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A member registered Feb 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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Okay, thank you!

Yeah, that fixed it. Thanks for the quick response.

I'm going to implement the fix into my game. Was the fix just changing the one line from:

page[i] = [name, new oMenu.Input(in_sys, name)]


page[i] = [name, new Input(in_sys, name)]

or was there more to the fix?

Thanks again!

(5 edits)

I forgot to mention, but this was when clicking on settings and then controls. That was working for you? Thanks for the reply I will look to see what VS I have.

EDIT:  I did need to update VS (now ver 17.2.6), but still same error. I'm now going to just try VS 2019 Community.

EDIT 2: Yeah, not sure what is going on. Neither VS 2019 or 2022 solved it. Still got same error for both. I've ensured I cleaned before each build. I don't know. I guess I'll try a full reinstall of everything. I did a full reinstall of everything and that changed nothing.

(1 edit)

Using latest version of GM (IDE v2022.6.0.23 / RUNTIME v2022.6.0.23) and using the YYC compiler. I get the following error:

___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of  Step Event0 for object oMenu:  Variable Get 3 (100154, -2147483648)############################################################################################ gml_Script_anon_Controls_gml_GlobalScript_Controls_347119_Controls_gml_GlobalScript_Controls (line 147) gml_Object_oMenu_Step_0 (line 127)

EDIT: This was using the default demo project downloaded from here.

It seems like that has fixed it. Thank you for all your help.

Also, figured I'd include the two scripts (release and release confirm). Here is first:

///mev_pause_monsters_release() function mev_pause_monsters_release() {     with(instance_create_depth(x,y,depth-1,obj_gguimenu)){         daddy       =         my_monster    = other.my_monster         ggui_frame(other.ggui_frame_l[0] + 96,other.ggui_frame_t[0] + 48,128,64,spr_messagebox)         ggui_menu_preallocate(1,2)         ggui_element_text_settings(font_mainmsg,c_white,0,0)         ggui_menu_add_option_text(mev_pause_monsters_release_confirm, "Release", "")         ggui_menu_add_option_text(mev_cancel, "Cancel",    "")     }  }

and the second:

///mev_pause_monsters_release_confirm() function mev_pause_monsters_release_confirm() {     show_debug_message("Update:" + string(daddy.daddy))     with(obj_gguimenu){       show_debug_message(tsprintf("ID: %, %x%",id,menu_w,menu_h))     }         daddy =         message_spawn(tsprintf("You released %.",amp_get_monster_name(my_monster)))         array_delete(global.active_monster_party,my_monster,1)         array_insert(global.active_monster_party,AMP_FIRST_ACTIVE + PARTYSIZE_ACTIVE - 1,[])         amp_clear_monster(AMP_FIRST_ACTIVE + PARTYSIZE_ACTIVE - 1)         with(daddy.daddy){             msh_spawn_monster_list(mev_pause_monsters)         }         instance_destroy(daddy)         instance_destroy()  }

Here are the results:

Spawn list:100073
ID: 100075, 1x2
ID: 100074, 1x5
ID: 100073, 1x4
ID: 100072, 1x6

Unfortunately that doesn't seem to work either. I mean it works but the display is still not updating. Here is short video of what it did:

(1 edit)

Made some progress. Everything seems to be working accept for the issue of hitting 'Z'. Made a video of what it's doing here:

Also, here was the code I was using:

function mev_pause_monsters_release_confirm() {     with(instance_create_depth(x,y,depth-1,obj_gguimenu)){         daddy =         message_spawn(tsprintf(                     "You released %.",                     amp_get_monster_name(other.my_monster)))          amp_clear_monster(other.my_monster)                  for(var c = AMP_FIRST_ACTIVE; c < AMP_FIRST_ACTIVE + PARTYSIZE_ACTIVE; c++){             if(global.active_monster_party[c,amp_MONID] == NONE){                 array_delete(global.active_monster_party,c,1)                 c-- //Deleting shifted everything back one step so re-check                 break;             }         }         msh_spawn_monster_list(mev_pause_monsters)                  instance_destroy(daddy)         instance_destroy(daddy.daddy)     } }
(2 edits)

Yeah to both parts, but the list seems to not get updated. The msg pops up saying the correct monster get released and the correct menus get destroyed. Just the party list doesn't update correctly. Say I delete a monster in the middle of the list. It'll show a blank spot there, but then you won't be able to navigate pass that blank spot. Also I noticed after releasing if I hit 'X' to select a monster I get an error, but also if I hit 'Z' to go back it'll show the monster I just released back in the party. If I hit 'Z' one more time and then select the party again to bring up the list it shows it as gone and the menu functions as normal with the exception of navigating pass the blank spot in the list. Hopefully that makes sense.

Sorry to bother you again, but still learning. I'm struggling on updating the monster part list. Maybe you can point me in the right direction on what I'm missing. This is what I have:

function mev_pause_monsters_release_confirm() {     with(instance_create_depth(x,y,depth-1,obj_gguimenu)){         daddy =         message_spawn(tsprintf(                 "You released %.",                 amp_get_monster_name(other.my_monster)))         amp_clear_monster(other.my_monster)         with(daddy.daddy){             if(object_index == obj_terminalmenu){                 msh_terminal_update()             } else {                 msh_spawn_monster_list()             }         }         instance_destroy(daddy)         instance_destroy(daddy.daddy)     } }

Thank you very much for all your help. That worked and was a much easier solution then what I was thinking.

Well after further testing it does break after you catch all the possible monsters for that zone.

Thank you. So far after testing it's worked perfectly. One more thing. What would best way to go about have a "Release Monster" from party in status menu? Thanks again for the help.

(1 edit)

Is there by chance already a system to exclude encountering monsters that are currently in your party? I seen the possibility of doing something within the ects_placeholder function, but with out doing a bunch of if statements?

Would you be available for commission to make some smaller modifications to the engine? If so please let me know, thank you.

What's the best way to adjust the size of the character sprites to make each part smaller?