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First off I will say this is one of the better paced games for a gamejam game. Show off your mechanics, concept, and potential, and then let the rater be able to move on to the dozen other games :)

I really enjoyed the theming and gamefeel of this one. The key was the fact that you get a new timepiece every time you travel to a new area (along with a new worker). It really gave the sense that you were on this time heist of sorts, picking up everything you needed in each era.

The fact that you move both forward and backwards in time is excellent and helps break up the general monotony that comes with strictly moving in one direction, even if it is technically linear because of the time warp costs.

The age limit puts a lot of pressure on the player early on, but I was relieved to see that most of your stuff carries over to the next run. Best of both worlds really. I most certainly enjoyed the ability to be a negative age.

All the above elements combined to make a really engaging game that I played start to finish. I was always itching to see what new timepiece would be uncovered (the good art helps a lot), and since I could tell I was going to finish this game in a reasonable time, I just kept playing.