Fantastic entry. I love the art. You were inspired by a clear source without ripping it off, which is a delicate balance and you nailed it.
I had a blast sliding around and lighting a blaze, but after a while and a few restarts, I see some areas where I think you should take away player choices and force use of the mechanic. I wish I could slide for just the amount of time I'm holding slide instead of the fixed time. I found this cumbersome when destroying doors, then realized I could just throw a molotov at them without placing oil first. Then I realized I could kill bunnies without laying any oil and could just camp and snipe, even from across platforms:
You have such a unique mechanic and fun movement system. I suggest you think about ways to remove ways for the player to work around your character abilities. Force me to use the slide an molotov instea of throwing molotovs directly on enemies and walls.
This is one of my favorite entries and I can't wait to see where you take it from here.