Dude, the fight was an hour and a half long. Making it longer by making it harder might not be a good idea imo

Seriously...? -_- That some absurd HP, what is he trying to be? A LoC (Labyrinth of Chaos) superboss from MGQ Paradox? Sheesh... DX Guess i'll wait until I can get some better stats/equips against this "Bonus Boss" of a foe before tackling him, at least he's not Emerald Weapon at least, though his stupid double-action is still unfair, wish Mila could gain double-action too to compensate. (And before you guys even start, yes, it IS possible to have a party member have double action, just look at the GIGANTIC library of classes in MGQ Paradox and you'll see what I mean. Hell, you can even have a temporary status of a reusable TRIPLE ACTION status for a few of your party members in MGQP, no bullshit:
[taken from the replacement for the original MGQ wiki page here https://mgq.miraheze.org/wiki/Paradox/Advanced_Races#Giga_Slime , which was taken down due to the collective takedown of most wikis due to the poor reasoning of removal of potential rule-breaking "Rule 34" content on them, even though there wasn't any real breach of that rule as all those bits were already heavily censored for said MGQ wiki, but you know how asshole execs are])
Yeah, I already have that, but I mean is a method to utilize a double-action per-turn like Dorian can in his current fight, i'm already well aware of the Double Band that lets the regular Attack command execute twice when used (though I dunno if it's applicable to the counterattack ability Mila can have though, although I would like to know if it's applied to said counterattack ability or not), referring to a double-action method per-turn though, not the double-attack command ability.