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A member registered Jun 12, 2021

Recent community posts

That's a shame. I have other contract ideas that I want to submit, but they wouldn't work for the vampire route.

How do we get these new contracts in the Vampire Route? Do we still go to the contract board at the bar, or do we get them at Dorian's Manor? Or do we have to find the contract requestor in the world?

I'm afraid that you will always get these sorts of comments, even when the game is fully released. During the release for this next and any future versions, you need to put out a message: "PLEASE DON'T IMPORT OLD SAVE DATA!" so SOME PEOPLE might notice.

I'm expecting some kind of enemy you would have to fight at the end of that ritual

I'm sorry, a "vision"? That sort of implies that the entire vampire route is something that Mila is imagining.

So... Either Dorian accidentally kills Mila when he tried to turn her and she is having an imaginative vision as she is slowly dying... or Mila is experiencing the longest fetish dream in her life.

(1 edit)

First of all; don't push yourself too hard or rush. Remember the old saying: "a delayed game is eventually good, while a rushed game is forever bad". I'm sure you're monitoring yourself, but a reminder is always helpful (if sometimes annoying).

Also, I know it's too much to ask about it NOW, but please tell me that there's an in-universe acknowledgment and Mila being shocked and confused that she herself is a vampire in another timeline.

Me: [Face Palm]

Huh, I forgot that the bad ending was a simple "Game Over".

Also, if you add the "ToE" joke into the game, I'd be willing to drop 5AU$ on the day of release.

I'm assuming that the ToE (what an unfortunate acronym) won't show Bad Endings from the Vampire Route, Right?

This actually reminds me of the last contract idea contest where the main villain for an entry was a party ghost that was possessing a woman. Now I know this is clearly different from that person's idea but is it possible to see enemies inspired by failed contest entries? Like, will we see Jiangshi (Chinese vampires) or cyborg vampires?

I know you are going big for the finale, but please don't overdo it. Both in terms of your workload, but also the fact that "more =/= better"

On a similar line, I wish to see an item or event to let Mila disguise herself as a vampire. Not becoming a vampire, but letting her be passed as a vampire on unsespecting view.

For a sec, before reading the post, I thought this was a glimpse of a future theatre mode

Last night, I've finally beaten 5.0.1. I've re-finish all previous chapters, finally slain the finished Dorian fight, and I "completed" chapter 5. It was a fun ride, though I felt a bit overpowered by the end (and by "a bit", I mean one-shotting enemies that weren't bosses). Honestly, once I got "Dawn Bringer", there wasn't a point in getting it since I had hunted every enemy in the game.  I guess I just had to wait until the finished chapter 5 to be released.

Also, there's this one question that I want an answer to. Once I finished Bianca's side quest and finished her story, she mentioned a place called "Therium" (or something like that. Have to replay and double-check the name). I'm not asking if we will go there or not or what it is at Therium. I just want to know if you already had stuff planned out for Therium? Like, you know what you want to have there and if you aren't considering changing them.

I'm asking because I think I remember you saying that you'd be doing another fan-idea contest and if have this idea for a post-game contract. I won't say too much, but it involves going to a perpetual autumn land where humans and monsters are peacefully co-existing together. I just thought, with your permission, Therium could be that place.

To be fair, snow falling in that guy's shop wouldn't surprise me.

Man, you weren't dickering when you said Dorian will be harder to beat.

My first attempt was as soon as his fight became available. It was more of accessing how strong he is than actually trying to win. Eyes were widened when I was OTK'd with two NORMAL attacks.

My 2nd was before entering Fallhault Castle while decked out with diamond gear. It went well, but I quickly realize that couldn't juggle between healing myself and attacking.

My 3rd (and currently last) attempt was the one I thought I could actually win. Just before the abandoned hospital, Lv 25, Magna Flash, all contracts completed and all perm' stat buffs I could find at the time. I was doing really well and right when I thought I was about to beat Dorian...

phase 2 happened!

Now I am really accessing if I can really beat Dorian before Chapter 5

Hey, could we see in a future update (not specifically this upcoming one) where vampire Mila betrays Viviene in her extended bad ending? And I don't just mean Mila runs off and becomes a maid. I mean Mila going back and actually finishing the job that she got sent to do.

I know that in the game's lore Mila can't immediately do that. There has to be something that overpowers Viviene's control first before she could rebel. I'd say either running into Ashe or Gabrielle to break the control and have the endings be different depending on who she goes to. I also thought of introducing a new plot McGuffin that does a similar role, but that's just me.

Random idea/suggestion/question: Do you think you would add romance into Crimson Veil? I would understand if you would say no; either because it would be a big undertaking or because you just don't intend to add any. I would personally not ask for much. I just envision that Mila, after saving the world, would have suitors sending marriage proposals to her. Mila/The Player could then choose to accept one of them, one of the characters from the story/contracts, or not at all. A few lines of alternate dialogues, maybe some art or scenes, and I be happy. But even I can see that would take a few weeks of programming so I understand if you say no.

My reason: A few months ago, I asked about Mila's sexuality and you replied it up to fan interpretation. I just thought adding romance-based endings would enforce that and let the player decide Mila's preference in-game. 

Ah, I see. Understood. I have a few other suggestions if you're interested, but I won't force them on you.

Except for when/if a contract idea wins one of your contests, do you think you'll do anything else with the Raja region? I feel like it's a waste of developing a different part of the world and only using it for 1 side quest. I would also add another town or settlement, one that houses the region's government, if there's enough business that they need to build a port. It also gives a reason for giving a stink for the whole graverobbing dilemma during that contract.

I was about to make a joke about "if you have this armour that prevent vampirism, why aren't you giving it to people for free" and the usual greedy/anti-capitalism jokes. But then I notice that it was the antique shop owner and I completely understand it now. Because, I swear to god, I am convinced that he is the devil.

On my first, half-paying-attention, read, I thought you were talking about a new gameplay mechanic like a timer that counts down to the end of the world. Like going full Majora's Mask and the moon is falling. But then on my 2nd read, I realize it will be a plot twist and I reset my expectations. All plot twists cause fan discourse and discussions and if they don't, then they failed at being a plot twist.

And one compliment before I go is how you keep doing things with RPG maker that keeps blowing my mind. First was a slot machine, then doing a predator mechanic, and now this. I'm no game designer and I don't know the limits of RPG maker, but I am seriously impressed.

It's nice that Bianca is getting more development and hopefully have her own personal conclusion (and also hopefully a positive one). However, I would've liked other characters to get more development and side quests. I want to see what the other Nocturna members do, see how Sybille is doing if she survived her contracts, and help the Alurne in purifying the Rotten Grove. 

Ok, I understand. I also would like to know if this would be before or after the main story finishes? Knowing that would help which quest to submit.

For the new contract contest, is there anything particular that you want? Do you want it to be focused on a new monster girl species or stick with vampires? Do you want to stick it with any preexisting locations or are you open to developing a brand new area like with Raja?

I have, like, 4 contracts on my mind that I could give to you:

  1. Mila fighting mermaids that have been capturing and turning sailors
  2. Mila fighting a vampiric-criminal underworld that's hiding in Mor
  3. Mila travels to the dark future and saves a wizard from the Order of Federick
  4. Mila getting scouted by a kingdom of peaceful monsters to stop a group of insurrection-tive vampires from usurping the government.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. But sticking to the same point; I think chapter 4 has a few points that conflict with the vampire route. I feel that once Mila has cleared the "dungeon" of the chapter, it becomes unbelievable and inconsistent to still enter the vampire route. 

Hmm... Level 34. When I last fought Dorian, I was at 31 and I grabbed a lot of things to prepare myself.  I am not sure how hard this "finalized" Dorian is, but I am hopeful that I can still beat him before chapter 5.

On that note, I thought the fight would still be "unbeatable" if you challenge Dorian before chapter 5. Like, it is designed that you can't continue past this point unless the player reaches chapter 5. But if you do reach chapter 5, you're locked out from the vampire route. I think this because the further you go into the main story, the vampire route makes less and less sense. The fates of certain characters wouldn't sync correctly and certain plot points surrounding the MacGuffins would become plot holes. 

(grumpy but restrained tone) Well, that's a cop-out response.

I know you said "all contracts and side quests will still be available to complete" after the ghoul attack, but could there be extra dialogue if you did do the contracts/Side Quests around the town? 

Also, I would like to contribute to Crimson Veil's anniversary, but unfortunately, I'm not an artist. I'm more of a literary creative, even though my grammar is kind of S#!t. If you want, you could request a short story and I'd see what I can come up with in an evening.

Oh hey! Looks like you took my suggestion about splitting the regular skills from the light skill. Cool!

Huh. Hey, remember late last year when I posted a Google Doc with a list of contract ideas that I felt like sharing. One of them involves Vivien being revived by some of her vampire cultists that survived. I thought Vivien wouldn't return and I thought I can get around the "no canon characters" rule by her possessing somebody else's body. If the tentacle monsters are any indication, I guess Vivien will return back in the story in some way.

Random idea from a creative mind:

I have this one idea contract/story event but it ends pretty much as a joke. The set-up is that vampire cultists are trying to resurrect a super-powerful vampire from her coffin. This vampire was said to be a tyrant and is on par, or if not, more powerful than Alexandria herself. And despite her best efforts, Mila got captured and is going to be sacrificed as a meal for said vampire. But when she is finally revived, not only is she much more informal and laid-back than the cultists expect, the first thing she does is hit on Mila.  Turns out, after centuries in her coffin with nothing but her thoughts, she comes to realize "being evil sucks" and wants to reform (though she does want a lesbian harem).

After that, the scene could end in a number of ways (aside from the "bad ending", of course). The vampire kills the cultists herself or she frees Mila and has her do it. Mila could fight the vampire, but I guess that's an optional thing since very non-violent otherwise. And after that... ¯\_(--)_/¯. Like, maybe she could be an NPC that you could find. This is mostly a joke that I didn't too hard on the consequences afterward.

potential spoiler question for Chapter 5. Will a castle, or at least a  dungeon/lair-like area, appear floating above or near Nocturna? Considering what happened at the end of chapter 4, I just feel like the "new villain" would want to set up their base-of-operations right by Nocturna.

1. Nice Mila Ghoul picture, though the pixelated nipples are a bit of a distraction.

2. I already have a strong suspicion on what lies in chapter 5, and this image is leading towards it.

3. WTF is that!? (rhetorical question, but an answer would still be appreciated)

You don't get the pictures from viewing their respective bad endings. You get them by completing contracts and story missions.

With that being said, I did notice 1 picture not appearing even after completing the specific contract. However, I've chalked it up to being a bug.

Hey, it's me. I'm back again. I got a small suggestion/request regarding the battle UI.

Back when I last fought Dorian, I grew annoyed about constantly going up and down the skill list for the skills I want. I was constantly using Brave Soul, Holy Purify, my Lv 3 Weapon Attacks, and the occasional Magna Flash. I'm fine with Holy Purify and the Weapon Attacks, but I found it annoying how I constantly have to go back up to use Brave Soul.

I have two suggestions. You could either move the previous light skills (Brave Soul, Compassionate Soul, and Purify) down at the bottom with the others. Or you could separate all the Light Skills into a separate menu,  similar to how you split "Skill" and "Sorcery" while playing as a vampire.

Developer question: If given the opportunity to market Crimson Veil to a more general audience, but you have to pull back on the more explicit content, would you do it?

Personal opinion: I won't say it would be an indie hit, but I think it has the potential to be a cult classic.

(2 edits)

[spoiler topic]

Last night, I was thinking of the flashback during Jessica's flashback during her contract mission. Not exactly strange, but I thought it was weird that Jessica bit Ashe after she killed her POS boyfriend/vampire master. But after having done a full playthrough of the (current) game, I think I made a discovery.

After defeating Charlotte and rescuing the queen, Ashe gave Anja her blood after bargaining for the dark orb. I always thought she was just re-energizing/healing the princess after knocking her out. But then I remember Bianca and how she tried to drink Ashe's blood during her backstory. I always thought it was weird that remembering her grandmother was the trick to snap her out of a vampire mindset. But combined with the other clues, I realize that it's something else.

For the longest, I thought to make a vampire docile, you just have to kill the vampire that turned them. But now I think that's the extra step you need to make to stop them from going back to being evil. The real trick is Ashe's blood and somehow drinking causes the vampire to (mentally) return back to how they were as a human.

I strongly believe this theory now and I think you (MKRU) were foreshadowing this from the start. We probably will receive an explanation in chapter 5, I would like to know if the power can be given to anybody else or something unique to Ashe. I also wonder if it would work on a vampire if they willfully chose to be a vampire (probably not or just a tiny amount).

Dude, the fight was an hour and a half long. Making it longer by making it harder might not be a good idea imo