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(2 edits)

This is excellent! I'm so excited about this game.  Here are a few more questions that popped up during play for me:

14. Are items scrounged during a Lull good in your inventory until you use them (even in a different hunt), or do they expire?  If they stay good, is there a limit to how much you can hold?

15. If a second monster appears during a Complication, do both monsters take a Tempo Change action? If so, is it possible (for really bad luck) for more and more large monsters to keep appearing?

16. In the case of multiple monsters, are there any guidelines on how they determine their target? Is their attention usually directed toward the first monster (like Turf Wars in MH World/Rise), do they team up on the scavengers, or is it random?

17. In the case of multiple large monsters, how long do the complication monsters stick around? A few rounds? The end of the Bout? The end of the Hunt?

18. If you are using the optional card-depicted range band rules, do the monster and scavengers all begin at Close distance to each other? If not, how is positioning determined?

19. How important is the direction the monster faces? In cases where the monster is facing one way, and all scavengers are behind it, does it ever automatically reposition to the nearest target, or does it have to wait for a Reposition move to swing around?

19. Does a scavenger's position in relation to the monster's facing limit what parts they can target?

20.  Can special weapon moves target a part specifically (if not explicitly stated), or do they hit the body?

21. Do you ever need to roll for special weapon moves?

22. If using the Vespine Spear or a weapon with the Aerial tag, and you are in the air in Close range to the monster, are you still affected by the monster's Close attacks?

23. If you are using the Maul, and strike a monster on the head for the Stun damage, does it also damage any parts on the monster's head (like, horns or things like that)?

24. On the character sheet, it shows that Companions can have tags; how are Companions affected by tags? Are there any limits to what tags can be applied to them?

25. On the character sheet, there is a section for Notches. Is this the number of hunts total the scavenger has survived, just the successful hunts, or something else? Do they have any benefit other than bragging rights?

26. Some monster attacks say that the scavenger is knocked down. Does this impose any kind of penalty on the scavenger? What is required to recover from being knocked down?

27. If a scavenger is reduced to 0 HP, are they out for the rest of the hunt? If not, is there a set number of times the party as a whole can be reduced to 0 HP, or a limit per scavenger?

28. Does Harm dealt to part damage also reduce the monster's body HP, or are they separate?

29. If the Harm dealt (either by scavengers or monsters) is reduced by half, do you round up or down?

30. Does directing your Companion to use a tool cost an action on your turn?

31. If using a weapon with an elemental tag, does that weapon deal Harm as well as clocks, or does it just fill the respective clock? 

32. If using a weapon with an elemental tag, does the amount of Harm you inflict equal the number of clock portions you fill, or does a successful hit only fill one clock portion?

33. When a scavenger is afflicted by a condition (burn, ice, bleed, etc.) how long does it last? Until the end of the Bout, a set number of turns, or other?

33. When harvesting tags at the end of the mission, if you harvest extra tags that can't immediately be applied to your weapon or armor, can they be saved and accumulated for later?

34. If you accumulate too many Blisters on a weapon to be able to use it, do you have to pick a different weapon entirely, or can you pick up a new weapon of the same type you were using before?  If the latter, and saving tags for later is possible, can those tags be applied immediately? 

35. If it seems like the group is going to fail the hunt, is there any way to retreat from the hunt without gaining a Blister? If so, are there any penalties for doing so?

36. If we want to produce third-party content for this amazing game, what rules should we follow? Is there an Open Gaming License or anything like that?

I've updated with answers to most of your questions, along with some guidance that should cover those I didn't specifically address.

I'm so delighted that you have dug so deeply into MONSTER GUTS. It genuinely has made me quite happy.

I'm glad it hasn't been too annoying!  I played this with my wife over the weekend, and she really enjoyed it too.  I really appreciate you taking the time to help answer my questions.

A few more rules questions came up during our recent play session; I hope I won't bother you if I keep asking. I have some idea of how they might work, but I like collaborating on finding answers. I'll ask them below:

  • How is Harm inflicted calculated for the War Bugle? Is it based off of current Melody (such as with Edge for other melee weapons), or does it have a fixed damage like ranged weapons, or something else?
  • If a special weapon move doesn't have a listed Harm, does it inflict Harm equal to the current Edge, like a regular attack, but with any modifiers listed in the text of the move? (for example, Greatsword's Whirlwind move)
  • When spending Edge to use a special move, is the cost deducted before or after the move occurs?  This question came up when my wife used the Charged Swing on a greatsword, but was confused by the wording; if it deals double the current Edge, then she would only deal 4 damage after spending 2 Edge to use the move, which would be equivalent to a normal swing at maximum Edge.
  • If you fill up a monster's Stun clock and it is stunned for its turn, do you skip the Tempo Change entirely, or just prevent any attacks it would have used?

Not at all. 

The war bugle is intended to have a fixed base damage like bows and bowguns. I don't have their rules in front of me, but I think some of their special moves scale with Melody. 

Yes, special attacks without listed Harm use the weapon's current Edge value. Also, Edge gets spent after the attack (to avoid the situation your wife describes). 

I'd probably forego the Tempo Change if the monster was stunned, unless the scavengers were in need of a more challenging fight. In that case, I'd just pick something to intrude upon the Bout. 

Wonderful! Thank you so much!