Thanks for giving feedback !
ah yeah for the polishing 😓
I tried at first to make assets myself but since I suck at making assets it was ugly
so i took premade assets
but i did the background/mainmenu music myself (and for the coins i modified a coin asset: no one would make square coins...)
i didn't thinked about the idea of the fact that tou go faster in diagonal but you're right !
ah yeah and for spawn kill i didnt got time : I needed to fix another problem at the end it was the fact that u cant get more than 10 tokens, but now when you get 10 tokens a chest appears and...
i think you're faster than the enemies because they do rectangular moves + because as you said going in diagonal goes faster
i usually did the same speed but when i tested it was good and i let it like that
i couldn't rate your game because it lagged and the next time my browser said it doesnt support webgl (and i dont have another browser)
thanks for the encouragement !