Hi! Thanks for the comments.
My source code is available, if you want to peek. I used Godot 3.5 beta1.
To facilitate the cutscene integration, as I used when I showed the net and zoomed into the fish's face, I used multiple animation players. Then, when I trigger my cutscene_net_approaching cutscene, it plays first net_approaching animation for the animation player in the cutscene net node. net_approaching sets the current camera, and the animation for it. Then, reaction_shot animation for the animation player of the cutscene's fish node sets the current camera on it's turn, etc. So, setup your camera locally for each take, then use animation players to switch cameras.

At the end of cutscene_net_approaching, I manually call cutscene_net_approaching_skip for my main animation player (my little hack) which resets the camera and the settings to gameplay ones. This is handy because if somebody hits Escape during the cutscene, it plays directly cutscene_net_approaching_skip, which resets everything for gameplay, cancelling the cutscene.

I hope this helps!