Really well done, enjoyed!
My only real criticism is that the music is rather limited, and that the combination of scrolling and screen-wrapping in the same direction doesn't feel very well.
Thanks! The music is definitely something I'm working on before the full release, I plan to make it more dynamic.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean about scrolling and screen-wrapping, though. Are you just referring to how the camera moves when the player is warped around? Or is there a specific level/part of the game that feels awkward?
In any case, thank you for playing and for leaving feedback!
Yes, I was referring to the warping around. This would feel better if it were exactly at screen borders, no scrolling.
OTOH a bit later you combine it with an orientation switch, which makes it less weird. Maybe already use some height difference at the first instance of it too so it feels less like a screen wrap? As it is, it's at first some kind of odd middle ground.
Ah, I see what you mean now. I've tried to make the game playable at different aspect ratios, and so making that level just have a plain screen wrap wouldn't really work.
I'll see if I can think of some solution (changing the height isn't a bad idea but would mess with the level design a bit), but as it is I don't feel it's too much of a problem.
I definitely appreciate the feedback, though, and thanks for elaborating!