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Thank you for your reply. Now i know what is going on.

I installed the demo version on my phone (huawei p30 pro) and most of the stuff worked perfectly but i got few bug or so i think they are bugs. I don't know if this place is good to post about it so forgive me if it is not.

1. I had unlimited amount of burgers; so i started with 3 and every time i click on them the number increases, like it was 3, click, now it is 6 and so on.

2. The different clothes that i could but for Annie were disappearing and resetting to her first outfit every time i went to next or previous level.

3. The map does not shows my position. The icon i frozen in one place.

I don't think it is a bug but when i go to menu shop for new outfit for mc it would be nice to know how much it cost in crystal but it is nothing super important.

I really enjoyed this build. I love the way mc can masturbate and that there is different animation for different outfits. I also love that Annie can be fucked and the conversations later and overall the conversations that change depending on the map and state that mc is or what happened to her or Annie. The sound Annie and mc make when they are fucked are amazing, especially when they are fucked and the same time together ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Can't wait for next update ( i will also try pc version for this update). Keep doing good work my brother.


to bug reports:

  1. Top row of icons is there to only represent your inventory so you need to press "eat" (heart with plus symbol) button. Getting more burgers + health and armor is currently debug feature and will be removed with full release. PS.: this one is on me do to bug I found but needed better way to replicate for LAGS and having infinite health was the key, sorry.
  2. Annie clothes are temporary buffs for level, that is why they are so cheap. According to what LAGS said if you only reset the level it will remain but after completing or leaving the level they reset. PS. still waiting on LAGS reply if after X purchases there will be option to buy permanently. 
  3. Read dew log property: "Map in pause menu(only initial and chest position is displayed)" so no live position update
  • Prices are stated when you click on purchase button, but it would be nice QoL feature.

Good wind

Thank mate for letting me know it is a known stuff :v i'm not complaining just giving feedback because i love the game. 

What kind of buff Annie clothes gives?

Thank you explaining it on my behalf.

About the permanent clothing option, I make it so that her cloth's are available after certain number of purchases minus buffs.

Also will add a small health tutorial at level 2 since people are confusing the inventory icon with health button.

Not a problem, just stopped by and know the answers.

So just to merge two comments into one.

So you can use all buffs at the same time? That should be state somewhere too.

Considering you fully implementing teleporters, that may require tutorial too. I assume on PC it will not be too much o a problem but on mobile I fell like it is more challenging to make it fell good and usable.

Considering credits given if they are not against it. it would be nice to have credits in main post and probably in game too. Possibly with links. May be useful for other creators.

Also do I miss interpreting your statement or will there be fully voiced dialog lines?

And I do agree this conversation dynamic helps with over all atmosphere of the game. I hope there will be some occasional conversation which helps you deliver the story.

And just realised one little but with Annie clothing. In shop her clothes don't reset to default ones after you get to next level. AKA if you select different clothes for her, finish level and go to next one, in purchase screen there is selected last used set. And the select button is green even thou you didn't purchased said clothes in this level yet.

Good wind

(3 edits) (+1)

I'll have jewels amount next to a clothing that can only be purchased in next update.

Thank you I have got help with dialogs from Tom Williams. It was his idea to have conversation depending on her state. And her voice credits goes to HaruLuna. I asked her to do voice similar to Rangiku from Bleach.

Annie's clothing buff are written under each outfit name. She doesn't  have to wear it to have that effect. Just purchasing it is enough.

You all are doing God's job. Can't wait for next update :v

Also i forgot that achievements didn't work at all on android but you probably know it.