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This is an awesome idea with a couple minor usability hiccups.

Obviously this makes finding fonts much less painful, but the number of times I need to do this makes it hard to justify giving it permanent screen space at the top of the editor. Is there any chance this could be optionally relocated to the Project > Tools menu? (I can probably put together a pull request if you’re interested)

My other concern is that I’m sure sure Google Fonts has a lot of fonts. Are there any plans to add search, filters, or sorting?

Thanks! I started implementing the search functionality but ran out of time (due to day job). I use it well as it is, but if I feel like the lack of search or fileting is bothering me, I'll likely finish the implementation. Sorting I didn't think about.. it should be sorted alphabetically but maybe it isn't and I didn't notice. I'll keep this in mind.

Yeah, they’re sorted alphabetically, but there’s 1400 fonts and I don’t know any of their names. If I’m looking for a new font, I’ll know that I want a serif font, a sans font, a monospace font, a font that supports a certain size range.