Have not worked on it as much as I wanted to as there's 4 days left. But I did manage to visually update the puzzles (in the above post) complete with backgrounds. I plan to release a demo that will likely contain 3-4 puzzles and then a to be continued screen. I want to actually continue this project even though I told myself it's usually better to try and complete something and just move on to some other jam. But I do like the potential this project has as a decent puzzle adventure. So I will give myself the rest of September to complete the rest of it.
For now the goal is to finish up the rest of the backgrounds (there are 3 before coming to this area) and program the point of getting the orbs in the first place (I almost count it as a 4th puzzle)
Push an inaccessible orb off, but pushing it blocks your path. Puzzle explores the use of using both directions (the door puzzle before only requires one).
(Still need to make the elevation of the orb going from the conveyor belt to the ground make more sense) but the puzzle introduces alternating between panels to solve things.
Issues with this project stem from being too ambitious and overestimating the 1 month time. As I don't feel comfortable releasing a game that has puzzles that seem like they could be explored more (or "resolved" to put it in musical terms). Yet due to the inspirations and how I imagined the game to be, maybe this is the best case scenario, a jam purely for getting a rock solid foundation.