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The mechanic of picking up and throwing the block is cool, and I really like the animation for picking it up.  The boss fight is really hard, as stated by some other people here, but I'm going to go into the specific things I think made it too hard. The first thing  is the fact that the animation of picking up the block will stop you from moving, which allows Violet to go after you so it feels like she just gets some free hits on you sometimes. Also, the arc of the block is really long and slow, which makes it hard to actually hit her most of time. Standing at the edge of the room will just throw it into the middle, which combined with the slowness and Violet moving around really fast, makes it pretty hard to actually get any hits in. After playing it about 10 times, I think I was only able to actually get one hit on her XD. But if a hard boss is what you're going for, that's fine, I just think the ways that the boss is made hard just feel kind of annoying more than fun. But overall a solid game, just needs a lot of difficulty fixing. Also, the sound and music is really good. 

Thanks for your excellent feedback, I shall definitely take on board all of what you said and use it to try to improve my game. When I made my boss fight, I actually thought it was too easy but I'm used to retro hard games like the earlier Mega Man titles. It's going to be hard for me to judge the correct level of difficulty but it is a major issue that many people have had so it definitely needs fixing. Thanks for enlightening me on what makes it difficult. This is going to help me a lot.