I'm running it from an emulator. I use FS-UAE v3.0.5 on Windows, which creates additional .uaem files and if I don't delete those .uaem files manually, the game will not list all the worlds, it may just list one. Seems the slightest disturbance will cause the map file listing to stop listing remaining files. I know some filesystem improvements were done on later versions of the emulator, so will have to double check with other versions and get back to you on that.
As for the listing with the date issue I mentioned, I had downloaded a maps package which the extracted map files dated back to 1990 and 1991. I had to change the file dates so to have the game read all the maps.
I was able to work-around the listing issues, but I wanted to mention it in-case you or someone else falls on the same issue and is wondering why.
I know the game is still in development, but will let you know whenever I find any issues. Not sure if this is the best place to report them.
BTW, once you die and game-over, you can still use the torch and shoot :)
The *port* is still in development - the original game was last worked on 30 years ago :-)
Regarding the torch/shoot thing - that's how ZZT acted since 1992! The goal of ClassicZoo is to accurately reproduce its behavior, and fix only those bugs which have no impact on edge-case gameplay mechanics some existing worlds may rely on (that usually translates to "cause crashes/hangs").