Thanks for the detailed response!! I finished the game and would play it again when you have another update.
Yes someone mentioned later that you could moonwalk in Dracula X too.
As a workaround for the music, Left Shoulder (Rewind button on CD32 pad) can restart the audio track playback.
I was also able to get myself lost out of screen in the early stage where you come down from a ladder from the upper left.
After coming down automatically, I went back up to the ladder and started jumping offscreen until I couldn't get back in the game.
Perhaps spawn some invisible or off-screen blocks, to block players from getting stuck up there?
I guess its still quite early for a thorough testing, but I was mainly curious and it was fun trying it out :-)
Will keep trying out each update and report my finds.
Keep up the good work!
Recent community posts
Great progress! Plays really fast! Keep up the good work!
I have some concerns which I wanted to share with you so you can keep improving it.
1. when I walk up down ladders using diagonals, he may somehow start to moonwalk even while getting off the ladders :)
2. The CD audio doesnt loop (noticed it on stage 1)
3. While I was jumping and shooting, during a screen transition, I was able to glitch freeze my character. Better to see in the following vid what I mean.
Again great work!
to add do this, @onejoyfulday had a working version for Amiga OS4.x but the OS3 port had some issue.. for our own convenience of testing everything on OS 3.x he compiled a working version for the system.. now optimally judges should try the OS4 release if they can as that includes the original design, but besides the graphics and performance, the gameplay expérience and idea around the game doesnt change in the OS3 port, allowing everyone to experience the game.
its not a deal-breaker using the current format, unsure about the workload it may require for you to allow for all "Mono" and "Stereo" 8bit or 16bit 44Khz 22Khz and 11Khz. Could the audio format be detectable or set through an argument?
I personally would be a fan of the lower quality formats (currently using 200MB in 8bit Stereo format after converting all original Carmageddon audio tracks).
Welcome, I can help if needed to troubleshoot anything else from a user perspective.
You know what they say... it takes half the production time to develop 90% of the product... and another half (if not longer) for the final10% as there is a lot of work that happens under the hood but is required for smoothing it all out.
For anyone running the game under emulation using FS-UAE with "Zoom" option set to "Auto", the screen size may seem quirky when transitioning or viewing maps.
To fix this you can add the following option in your FS-UAE configuration to keep a steady viewport during the auto-zoom transitions.
viewport= 74 * 640 * => 74 36 640 512, 106 * 576 * => 106 36 576 512
So far I only found 2 in-game resolutions that required this and adjusted them for Auto-Zoom, if I spot another strange effect I will adjust the row above with new setting.
I have also included this settings in the game configuration of AmigaLive (which is a front-end for FS-UAE)
PS. This setting is exclusive for FS-UAE series 3.x.x so please dont ask me for other emulators as I unfamiliar, they may have a similar option with using a different syntax or not require this option at all.
I am currently troubleshooting an issue with EV (v0.8 or v0.9)
if loading the game using an Amiga with 68040 CPU after running SetPatch (v40.16 or 43.6) with 68040, the game will freeze as soon as the top text turns green and displays "Original design and coding......" the controls will also lock and a few seconds later the system will reboot.
Works fine with setpatch and 68020 CPU.
Workaround: Do not run setpatch with 68040 CPU
PS. Has something to do with loading 68040 instructions through SetPatch, as when renaming the 68040.library also did the trick.
Great choice! North and South was due for a sequel!
Designs are very well balanced, vivid colors and sprites look adorable.
You introduced a new method of non-interactive fighting. This technically looks like a job very well done and turning this game completely different to the original, while basing its control solely on the strategic side.
Risky approach but still very fun to play even with this new method, although the real-time battles and 2player mode was the most fun part from the original.
PS. Any plans for adding 2player mode or further enhancements?
PS2. I would love to see the same assets and adorable sprites re-used in future games! (They are so cute!)
Created a video of 4 guys playing this together.
They all had never experienced Extreme Violence 1 and asked them directly to play your version.
They all seemed to very much enjoy it! I also joined in the end, plays really great!
You can ignore the screen size changes during map transitions, this is the automatic zoom that I need to adjust the viewport in the emulated configuration (you dont need to fix anything).
PS. Suggestion1: To balance players out and make it more challenging, would you be interested in adding an option that gives the upgrades of the winning player of the previous round to the player which lost 1st or to the player with the least score?
PS. Suggestion2: Team mode? with optional friendly fire on/off?
1 more suggestion but only for detonator mode: Can we have one more tag, (like the flag and question mark) which indicates its a "clear known" spot?
And then implement that when detonating a mine, the random revealing blocks will not reveal any of the blocks marked as "known" but only the ones without flag or maybe even prioritize the shuffle on the ones flagged with a question mark? :)
Really impressive visuals.
The intro is like a film production! Great work there!
Thanks for including the original game too as a tribute and for anyone who never played it, to see where the sequel originated from! Your game does seem to follow up to its predecessor nicely by bringing it back with outstanding visuals which were missing from the original!
This is Extremely Amazing work and great idea to make a sequel for!!
What was missing from the original Xtreme Violence is now available on v2.
This is a true upgrade to the original, in a way that it feels the original developer picked up from where he left off.
Everything feels so similar and improved, I believe Simon Green (original dev) would approve your work! (or is he working for PixelPlop now?)
I added the game to be available for testing in the AmigaLive configurations under the "AmiGame Jam 2024", which is a compilation of all available entries. This is the perfect game for fans of multiplayer games!
Awesome! Thanks for considering my suggestions!
I do believe that with "Mouse mode" the user would also benefit with the game showing a visual cursor, cause when doing quick moves, I find if not showing the mouse cursor with just changing the active block indicator with an invisible cursor would give lots of room for miss-clicks (I have seen this happen before with other games and had to revert back to joystick). So in short, please do consider a "visible" cursor if you add this feature.
Yeah a vertical mirror, a horizontal mirror (one or the other, or both in random), and if the map is square; a 90° rotation (or random case degrees of either 0, 90, 180, 270) should be enough to at least delay the opponent in copying your moves with confidence.
This will be the most complete MineSweeper game ever which the Amiga community will be proud to have!!
Great work!
Really a great and impressive MineSweeper game with lots of modes and 2 player support! WOW!
Learned about the checkers mode and other unique modes that make the game fun in a different way!
This game was really missing from the Amiga library, and you can also see the quality of the game is excellent.
PS. Just 2 wishes for future improvements and I believe the game is set to last for at least 3 decades:
I wish there was a mouse controller option for both players.
A more balanced 2player option, (p1 always seemed to always have the easier field) perhaps give them the same field but mirrored/rotated so copying the opponent may take some time/study.
The configuration is set to a A4000 68040 with 256MB and a 4MB Picasso IV RTG (your game required 128MB not to cause the weird crashes so I took it a step more)
I am using a MUI requester, and when the user selects to run your game the script enables JIT using uae-configuration tool and throttles the CPU to 32000 (I think most computers these days can handle a 24000 I dont use Max settings because it will desync netplay as this is used for streaming and multiplayer, same reason I dont use UAEGFX but Picasso IV).
Then the script pushes another startup file and reboots.. then the new startup loads the game, when you exit the game with ESC the startup script continues and disables JIT, sets the throttle to 0.0, removes itself from startup and reboots.
This makes it run with normal performance for the other games in the list.
Using an 060 CPU would not benefit the emulation as it requires another plugin (not included yet with AmigaLive) and its also costly in CPU on the host performance without benefiting much in speed due to how emulation works, that's why I am throttling an 040 to achieve faster speeds. The instruction sets of an 060 are rarely used and I believe when devs compile for 060 they also do for 040 and 020 systems.
PS. Does the game have music or sound? I havnt configured the AHI device, so if its missing let me know and I can check.
I would suggest having the options in a readme.txt and most useful options included but commented out in the Workbench icon as tooltypes.
The only difference is that the tooltype doesnt need the dash prefix, as from command line it does:
ex: "RogueFootballCardGame AOS3.exe" -WINDOW -WINHEIGHT=1 -WINWIDTH=1 -BORDERLESS
BTW I bundled your game with other games to be available on AmigaLive desktop app (downloadable from you can find the game under the configuration "AmiGameJam 2024" so we can test them all easily.
I did a trick to throttle the CPU just before launching your game and revert it just before returning to the main menu.
Let me know what you think.
PS. Your submission doesn't have a main image in the entries page.
Yes, the window writes about the bug exactly as in your text. I bring the window over to the left where my main monitor is and click left mouse button to continue.. perhaps I am confusing it by moving it from 3rd monitor to main.
My current setup is like this
Left to right
Left Main 1920x1080, Middle 1024x1280 (portrait), Right TV 1920x1080
For the AO3
Would you be able to remove that AskDisplayMode feature ? if I set the mode manually using the moderequester or autofullscreen,
I now get another popup requesting desired display mode. Seems as if AskDisplayMode is forced now.
We can however include this option in the icon info as a ToolType row which imo can be easily removed/adjusted if needed.
Also, if I set the AskDisplayMode in the tooltype now, I get a menu twice to select display modes.
One more thing I noticed now with this last AO3 version, is that choosing resolutions 1024x768 or 1280x1024 or above, do not have any benefit, as the game resolution remains at 800x600 and is aligned top left of the screen.
Great work! seems you fixed that foreground window from opening in the OS3 version!
I also found a workaround for the previous version, for historical reasons I will give you the details.
always had the black Hollywood foreground window of 800x600 which covered most of the playable area and was bringing the window in the foreground with clicking in the bounds area of the window (even when it wasn't visible) and clicking outside of the area was making it disappear again. The window was fixed size and at center position and wouldnt resize in any of the fullscreen modes, so could only play at higher resolutions than 800x600 by clicking at the far edges to send it in the background again.
Using the following parameters allowed that window to shrink to 1 pixel and allowed the game to be playable:
Window modes were much slower in performance so Im grateful you resolved that issue.
Actually I have 3 monitors, and one is a TV (as 3rd) in another area, so the Hollywood window was opening there..
Brought the window to my main monitor with resolution 1920x1080 and selected "Full screen (best fit)" and I get the error:
Error opening screen!
File: main.hws (current line 28: in function: OpenDisplay)
Choosing the "Window" option it opens up a taskbar app "AI Kills All Humans" but there is no display.
Choosing "manual mode", I choose a resolution and I indeed need to bring the window over to the main screen, but it only shows black.
Also it seems to be showing only the low screen resolutions of my 2nd monitor which is also set to portrait mode: 1024x1280, 480x640 etc.
And doesnt show any of my other monitor resolutions which have higher resolutions (1920x1080, 1680x1050).
I spoke with the organizer, Amiga Cammy.
She said "if your update is to get the game working, it should be okay!"
I have OS3 version working pretty much OK except for that Hollywood black window annoyance now. Any idea how to rid of it?
I assume the black window is not appearing on the PPC ports? (I couldn't get the PCx64 version to run)
Except for the performance compared with PPC Amigas, the gameplay side should be the same for everyone to experience your game.
This is mostly for convenience of testing them all in a bundle package which I am preparing. Thanks for your time.
Finished troubleshooting:
Any configuration with less than 128MB RAM starts to give errors on creating screens (Line 27 and other errors).
Requires resolutions of a minimum 640x480 Hi-Color 16bit or True Color 24bit
The annoying black Hollywood screen keeps reappearing in the foreground blocking the view with total blackness, can just click randomly outside to hide it again, but clicking anywhere other than the cards makes it reappear.. so I am looking in how to get rid of it permanently.
OK I managed to get it working somewhat on WinUAE and FS-UAE using and Picasso IV 4MB.. I will troubleshoot to see what exactly caused that line error.
The game plays in a screen in the background but there is a black Hollywood window in front that is annoying.. I will be trying parameters to get rid of that window as it seems unnecessary for the game.
I have renamed the executable RFCG and its folder to RFCG
I renamed the "gfx" folder to "gfx2" and ran it, I was expecting it to tell me what file it was attempting to load but nothing changed, same exact error as before.
SnoopDos output log is here
But the errors I see are mainly:
GetVar codeset_default Global Fail
LockScreen HOLLYWOOD.1 Fail
I hope this information helps
Hello! I wanted to try this out, but getting an error:
Error allocating bitmap!
File: main.hws (current line: 16 - In function: CreateDisplay)
Seems its creating a window with a black screen just before the errors pops up.
I tried parameters -fullscreen -autofullscreen -askdisplaymode
and I can see its no longer a window, but still shows the same error.
What resolution and memory does the game require?
Can it play with a Picasso IV 4MB RTG card?
Does it require AHI sound device too?
Note: Digging in the executable I found all available parameters to play with.