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WOAH!!! I love it when people come up with a long list of suggestions and feedback (not being sarcastic at all, i really do). And the numbering points helps me with my responses as well. Which are:

1. Enemies don't exactly try to build counters to your island, but they do tend to specialise in a few weapons and eventually you will get hard countered. About enemies still going above the high altitude line, its always been an issue that Ive been trying to fix. I guess it still needs more work on that aspect.

2. I love that you love the new tech system. I put a whole lot of effort into it and had to basically rip out any trace of the old system to make this one work.

3. Once in a while when I play through the game I wish there were certain things in there, one of them being shield generation. So I just stuck it in there and gladly someone else is finding this small feature useful.

4. Totally agree. The new tech adds so much more customisation to the game. Hopefully this update can keep you playing while I work on the next major change. 

5. Im not sure why, but sometimes enemies will stack up a certain weapon, even though they semi randomly choose items from a store. I got wrecked form a realm 3 enemy that stacked 7 mortars. I think he may have had an ammunition stash as well. I really don't want to go back to a hard cap. I think it will work, its just a really cheap game design decision and makes the game feel worse. There should be a larger tradeoff though (which I will discuss later on).

6. At least one building in the shop seems like a fair option to make right now.

7. The idea of weapon accuracy has been suggested a few times in the discord. While it is a great idea, I feel that there could be another way of doing it so that we don't have to introduce a new stat for players to dwell over. I'm thinking of making weapons decrease dodge chance as well. If this still doesn't help, then we might have to go directly to decreasing the hit chance.

8. The electromagnet is great when used right. And by that I mean not how enemies use it. They just stick it somewhere and hope it helps(it doesn't but its funny). A radius could have an interesting effect. The movement update will change a lot, and im hoping from there i can change some more core things.

I am sincerely glad you are enjoying this game as much as I am enjoying making it. You really should pop on over to the discord server since I really appreciate your suggestions.

Wow. Cool. I should try going there ever so often. Might still be doing it here for longer suggestion/opinion like this one.