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A member registered Aug 20, 2018

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This thing is pretty tough huh. It may take awhile before someone beat this legitimately. I guess you have to be pretty lucky with plenty of skills to bring this down. Might try to cheat some extra lifes to beat and try to beat it with 3 lifes next time huh. Hunting for the glitched tier item might be worth it too before the next update.

Good job for creating this monster dev.

Wow. Cool. I should try going there ever so often. Might still be doing it here for longer suggestion/opinion like this one.


The latest update (v2) was a long wait but was worth it. Wow.. The game sure got tougher to beat, usually I can win the game on my first try but this time I was butchered by the realm 7 boss.  Even lost to a common enemy in the first realm. That was my first playthrough actually. I do have some opinions and suggestions (in bold) about the game now tho.

1. The AI is a lot smarter now. They seems to build their island based on my island weakness. I like this changes. It made the game more of a challenge. But later in the game, enemy can still be tricked to pass the high altitude since their island is so vertically big. 

2. The new tech system was awesome. I can see that you had put a lot of effort in them.

3. Shield overloading was also great. The addition of shield gen/second on the island stats was actually nice. I been wanting that for awhile to see how to increase the rate of shield generation.

4. New items are also nice. It adds more replay values which is fun.

5. The removal of weapon limit is kinda like a double-edge sword and I found that fascinating. I thought it will make the game easier but nah it just made the enemies to spam weapons on their island. I had seen enemies in realm 6 with 6 turbo lasers which is scary. And I lost to the realm 7 boss which have 7-8 mortars with  4-5 railgun/beamgun. SUGGESTION: Limiting the amount of the same weapon. This could actually make the forge more useful than it is as they need to upgrade their favourite weapons(e.g. Quickshot to Dualshot) to keep using them due to weapon type limit.

6. For some reason, I was not able to find any buildings. Found a palm tree in realm 2 and a basic shield in the shop in realm and that's it. They seems to become so rare later on or I might be unlucky. SUGGESTION: There should be at least one building sold in the shop as well. It does not seems to be guaranteed sold in any shop on my run and was not mentioned it the latest patch.

7.  The max dodge and real dodge implementation was great. However, the crit reduction due to the increase amount of weapons in the island is too small of a cost.  Since dodging is nerfed (I assumed so since I was not able to dodge often in my run), spaming weapons in your island is actually more favourable than having more crits in my opinion. SUGGESTION: Adding extra weapons will reduce hit rate. Making each weapon to have their own hit rate stat will be nice.

8. Regarding the new electromagnet, it seems more harmful than being a defensive structure.  SUGGESTION: Adding a radius of effect somehow would be nice. Adding one on gravitor's black hole would be good as well. This will make devising strategy easier involving these items.

The game now had became more strategic, thus more challenging and fun. I could have put some images to support my claims but I was so into the game, making me forgot to do so. Sorry for that and for wording mistakes or anything that may hurt you in this long post.

Keep up the good work and thanks for the game. ^.^

Ohh I see. My second playthrough currently do follow the cap somehow or could be a coincidence. I had only 5 basic firepower techs in the 7th realm and it got me thinking how unlucky I am.   

Looking forward to the next updates!

It is not implemented yet.

Hey dev!

I was able to defeat the boss once again in the latest version. The game is more balanced now. The sudden difficulty spike is no longer there. The final  boss speaks for itself now as the hardest enemy compared to any random encounter which is excellent. It's harder than its 1.1.5 counterpart now which is excellent (that's what I think). And trees are back!

After I defeat the final boss, I lost 7 basic firepower unit for some reason when I try to edit my island. Not that it matters anyway tho. Good job!

Thanks for the gaming experience, again!

Oh glad to know that. Glad I didn't do it then.

Cool! So what is it? Just a warp drive you can place on the ship? Or an extra life?

I think that blank preview indicates that it will yield a random item. Could be another legendary item or a mythic! I don't have the guts to try it when you come so far into the game.

I'm using a mouse pad actually so I can still scroll the map. I was trying to figure it out but can't.  I did play the prequel a bit tho but yeah this game is definitely better in terms of the mechanics.

Thanks for the reply and good luck!

Agree. I was lucky enough to not face them that often. I loss twice (both to grenadier user) and still manage to win the game. Still manage to win against some of them tho

Yup it is! I found it suprising myself. Balancing will be done in the future. The dev seems to prioritize fixing bugs that are ruining gameplay.

Oh sure! I'll wait patiently for the updates. Thanks for the reply.

Btw regarding on no.3 I fought a random enemy with 2 flares and exposed cannon. I just destroy the cannon and the enemy just float in mid air, firing flares without hurting me. That's how the situation happened. I fought it quite early as well, in the first zone where shield are not that common, yet.

To be honest, I just got lucky. It was my first playthru in 1.1.5 as well. I just avoid random encounters in the last zone cuz it was so hard.

Oh, the reason that the enemies are so not worth it to fight in the last zone is that their drops are kinda ordinary?  Shops don't really sell the good stuffs as well in the last zone. Maybe I'm just unlucky? So I'm curious how rare are legendary and mythic grade item anyway.

Another few questions.

1. How do you exactly scroll up and down in the main map? I don't use a mouse btw.

2. Is the random enemies generation depends on how strong the player's island is? Or is it based on the zone/height the player is currently in?

3. Are TREES from Island of War (the prequel) coming back?

I guess that's all for now. You don't have to answer all of them if you want to keep them a secret (just help me  out on no.1). Looking forward for the weapon grouping update. That will surely make gameplay of this game even better. Good job dev!

The basic firepower module increase the weapon size you can have on your island by 2. So if you add a cannon on your island which has a weapon size of 2, means you cannot add more weapons. But yeah, there is a typo in the description. It should be weapon size instead of weapon in the sentence.

Hey dev,

The game is more balanced in 1.1.5. I was able to defeat the final boss without encountering any bug, at least in my playthrough. It took me awhile tho. Based on my playthrough, a few things can be improved.

1. The final boss (the skull with obsidian blocks and unknown cyan blocks) seems easier compared to any enemy in the last zone since there is actually a reliable strategies that can be used to defeat it. The random enemies in the last zone can be  more difficult if luck is not on your side. More on no.2 on how I defeated the final boss.

2. IMO, the lobbed type weapons (mortar, dual mortar and grenadier) are very OP. More OP than the plasma weapons as they don't requires aiming as much. You can even leave it on auto-fire  and combined with flares, they can destroyed buildings easily. I was able to face such random enemies with 5-6 grenadiers and I don't even stand a chance.  This is how I cheesed the final boss btw. Slowly chipping away its shield with a single grenadier and 2 regular mortars. I think you can increase their weapon size so they would be more balanced? Up to you tho.

3.  I think enemies with only flares and powerless weapons should be considered a win for the player since they can no longer fight back. What I meant by powerless weapons are weapons that required energy to use but the island is no longer capable of storing and generating energy, thus the weapons are not usable. I was able to do so on few occasions during my playthru where the enemy cannot fight back. 

Glad that I was able to play IIsland of War. It was an awesome 3 hours gameplay and I'm looking forward for the next updates. Take ur time on developing the game and fixing those bugs. Thanks man!

Hey there!

It seems that the same bug will occur against normal enemies as well but it does not occur all the time tho. I'm in the zone with the final boss I think. Just wanna let you know about that. Btw I used the same tech setup as before with one extra firepower module.

Thanks for the reply. Good luck with those bug fixing!

Hello. The game froze after I defeated the boss in zone 5 or 6 (I forgot) after I destroyed its warp drive. It occurs every time I beat it. Here is my setup.

Btw the boss in this area have a lot of techs and could be a bit frustrating to beat with high dodge rate and shield regeneration rate. It makes me wonder how difficult would be to defeat the next boss. Here how it looks like.  It would be nice if some weapons have unavoidable projectiles or something. Maybe buffing the laser to be unavoidable but with lower damage output would be good. And this is actually the boss that froze on me after I beat it. The third try.

Sorry for the long post. You're doing a good job with the game. It's awesome and fun!