Hello Thank you for your opinion. First of all, sorry for my bad english. I hope you will understand.
//could not for the life of me understand how to get more of the building block material to place ingame, or how to destroy blocks placed
If you want to make wooden or stone blocks, first you must unlock (lvl3) workshop table for wooden block and stone cutter , and pay some logs and stones resources for it.
After u make workshop table or stone cutter, you can press middle mouse button on the table/cutter to produce block, it will cost you - 5stone=1stone block, = 5logs/1wooden block. To delete blocks placed, just click right mouse button on them.
//blocks are completely bugged: you press on the button to select them and it places them as well, making them only able to be placed where that ui is
You have just one try to move block. So, when you click on ui to produce block, click on block>hold button>move block>relise button.
//took a while to understand how to mine with the pickaxe because it wasn't super clear to select the pickaxe, just to press w, and when pressing w even without anything equipped there is a sound so it was hard to tell if the game was bugging out or not
Im sorry beacuse tutorial obviusly is not super clear. ( didnt made it on time)
//the building was only ever feeling relevant inside the home world, rather than anywhere else, even with using the block mechanic in other parts
Yes, I'm not happy with the block mechanics. I do regular work 8-17 and unfortunately I didn’t manage to think about everything on time.
//the graphics felt very out of place and definitely was clear they weren't original and used a free resource. not that using free graphics is bad, it just felt like the choice did not blend well together or feel fitting
I intentionally edited some graphics so that they deviate from the design, in order to clarify the purpose and function of certain objects.
//while the sound effects were there, it felt very mediocre at best and more of an afterthought
This is because I wanted to make this game more of an "rpg" style than an adrenaline-fueled "fortnite" fight. More precisely, I wanted to make some mix between those two styles.
there are some grammar and spelling mistakes through the game (capitalization randomly in the middle of a word, etc.)
I wrote some grammatical mistakes on purpose to attract sympathy between the game and the player. Unfortunately I obviously missed some drastic mistakes ://
the gameplay felt a bit boring and slow at times because the zombies don't pose much of a threat if you spam berries and the w button to kill them
Yes, it's because in the last update I set "zombie collision with cat> take just 0.05 from global variable food_Health" instead of "0.5". The reason is that I tried some things without the zombies stopping me from doing so too, and guess what, I forgot to change that later in the last update :D
the worlds all felt different graphically but not so much in content
I didn't manage to do everything right on time, I deleted some elements at the last minute, because in some worlds the animation of objects had to be completely different.
zombies were spread very close to the spawn which made it a bit painful
Zombies are created in random positions, sometimes they are close and sometimes much farther, I did it on purpose so that you would not know what awaits you in the world
Next time, if I apply for a competition, I will no longer set myself such big projects because I see that I can't make it in time. I would just like to say that everything you listed in your comment, I fully understand and am aware of mistakes, graphics and everything else, but I was just in a hurry and made a mistake along the way, which in the end I did not manage to correct. If you ask me as a player of this game and not as a developer, I would say that this game has potential if it will be worked on for at least another 30 days. Mechanics should be improved, new resources and elements added, a small redesign made, etc.