Ok, I've downloaded the game yesterday after I saw your post on reddit.
If you are looking for a brutally honest but constructive feedback, here it comes.
Positive Feedback:
- Music / Graphics are good
- Double click crafting / eating is a nice feature
- would like to see that also added to crafting (to make it more consistent)
- < placeholder for later - might add some things later once I've playtested some more >
Negative Feedback (and possible solutions):
- The controls are a nightmare
- Problem: The controlls are inconsistent. Tab to open inv - Tab to close it - ok easy. J to open the J to close... frik where do i cose that - oh button at the top. ESC to pause the game ESC to ... why?! oh I have to click resume in the middle. E to get fire going - that was intuitive - E to close ... damn you controls... ESC? - oh another button at the bottom right...
- Improvements:
- Make "ESC" consistently close any menu (would help against getting stuck in a menu)
- Make Keybinds configurable (e.g. I want to sprint with Ctrl, sneek with Shift, etc.)
- Make scrollwheel rotate through tools in your hotbar
- Picking up items takes some knowledge about what items are
- Problem: Picking up items takes some knowledge about how close you have to be to them and how small the objects you can pick up can be - not obvious to everyone. It probably didn't help as the bug with the stuck twig in the crosshair made me assume i can forcefield-move objects and confuseed me to the point where I needed a fresh start by just deleting the world - but that's not my point here.
- Improvements:
- Add visual feedback to items you can pick up / interact with. Or call it pebble - that would make it more obvious to everyone that you are not talking about those massive and much more visible stones scattered over the beach.
- The graphics card is at 100% usage at all times
- Problem: I have a GeForce GTX 980M which acording to benchmarks and your system and RAM requirements should perform between your provided minimum and optimal requirements. Then why is the GPU usage at 100% at all times? Shouldn't it at least go down when I pause the game or I am in a menu? Or when I put all graphics settings to the minimum?
- Improvements:
- I don't know enough about 3D games to give meaningfull advice here, but the video settings provided either do nothing at all or are a simple two state switch between beatiful and horribly pixelated. None of which reduce the GPU load of 100%. That tells me that something has to be done here to improve that situation.
- Once that problem is sored out maybe don't start the game at the highest possible video settings - roasting every pc that does not have the latest, most expencive graphics card.
- An unskippable boring text cutscene at the start of every world? Really?!
- Probably just a placeholder but still that thing has either to be more interesting and draw the players attention away from a loading screen or it has to go. There is nothing more annoing than an unscippable cutscene.
- While shooting a bow your arm blocks the view - that's also why you don't hold a bow like that.
- Add a map - sometimes a top down view of the terrain would be really useful
- Just saw that you already included M for Map in your keybinds - just didn't implement it yet I guess
- < placeholder for later - might add some things later once I've playtested some more >
Some things that just take some getting used to:
- The hands you can only see if you walk
- Gravity being low as if you were on a moon
- An incredibly low walking speed (sprinting is ok though)
- Maybe make the background of the items transparent, so it looks less like the inventory is bugged, when you try to move them for the first time
- < placeholder for later - might add some things later once I've playtested some more >
- The first time - idk how - I got a twig stuck in my crosshair and carried it around with me over the whole map. It fell off eventually
- If you chop down a tree and during that action open the menu, you will chop forever - eventually by pressing enough buttons it will go away, but still.
- Viewing two armor pieces in a row can result to a graphical 'overlay bug' (see pic 1)
- Video settings reset every time you start the game
- Re-entering a saved game spawns you way under the save position, meaning also under the surface - you have to phase up to the surface by jumping a lot (see pic 2)
- Somehow items in a chest didn't load propperly - after making them all switch place with a new item they came back (see pic 3 and 4)
- You cant drink the water high up in the mautain lakes - neither can you drown in them
pic 1:
pic 2:
pic 3:
pic 4: