I'm very happy to read a work by a young writer. Thank you for submitting your work for us to enjoy!
I have two things I'd like to point out that I hope will help you continue to improve your abilities as a writer. First of all, I found the story a little hard to follow in the middle. You have multiple characters acting and reacting in the same paragraph, and in such a short story with so little time to get to know anyone, this can be confusing. Focus on one character's actions at a time. It might have helped if you didn't use names for characters who aren't 'active' - for example, "Amaterasu accepted the gift and wrote a letter to her sister" instead of "wrote a letter to Khari".
Second was the use of the name "Amaterasu". It's a cool name, for sure, but if you give a character a name from mythology, you should use it with a reason. If you name a character "Hercules", that character should be super strong, or be connected to Hercules in some other way.
Thank you again for sharing your work with us!