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the game was interesting! i like how the levels are all interconnected via rooms, it adds for more immersion. the variety in enemies is great, but some enemies felt a bit buggy or painful to work with where it was unclear how they actually function and thusly making it a bit of a challenge to get deal with them. the music was nice, but i think adding some sound effects would be great to making the experience better, especially with how it can add a greater layer of responsiveness to the player. there were also parts that seemed too difficult with too many enemies crowding an area, or enemies being too close in areas that need to be accessed and also parts that seemed nearly impossible to do due to jump height. with some more time and work, this has a lot of potential because a some systems are done very well with it, and since this is chapter 0, i'm looking forwards to when new content is added and more updates patch things. cheers!

Thanks. I'll try to fix all the issues and make it feel more immersive after the jam.

And as for chapter 1, well..... I'll think about it. :)

Anyways, thanks for playing my game and for the detailed review.