I like the game's simple design/art style. Despite not being super detailed and everything being mostly shapes, i think the colors blend in really nice and the polish is good as well! The black hole that makes you go through levels looks nice too. I also liked the little cut scene at the beginning! It's cute, well animated and adds some context to the game.
The mechanic where you send a ghost forward to teleport where they are is a neat idea and makes some nice puzzles/challenges. Had some struggle but I could beat them easily enough, but I think the difficulty curve might be a little bit too high? It's not impossible, just gets harder a lil quicker than I expected. Plus, I would've appreciated it if there was an option to hold the C key instead of taping it twice. Would've made it more intuitive for me and most likely other people.
TL;DR, The game's good! Just a few things that could use some improvement but don't really ruin the experience in the end.