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A member registered Dec 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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oo That's cool! And I respect the dedication/stubborness for the art!

Thanks for playing! Glad you liked it!!

also damn, I didn't realize that the slow down after winning was a bug, but I know exactly what I did to cause it 😭 sorry about that!!

Hang on... i recognize the dev name from somewhere...

Neat game! Had a nice atmosphere and banishing the ghost was a fun move!

I wasn't able to collect all of the items, though. The map had different objects (big mushroom, campfires, weird triangle towers) which help a lot with remembering where is what, but I think a couple more would've been nice

The wisps were really cool tho! Really fits with the whole theme and story going on!

thanks for playing!

Yeah, not being able to leave the options menu is a weird bug that happened, not sure how. sorry!

Before starting the game, you can buy more bullets and other upgrades with the score you've collected, which will make the next run easier. If you run out of bullets, then it's game over. You'll need to buy more next round. 

this game can get quite chaotic and messy, but I can't deny how fun it is

Only issue i found is that it's a little hard to keep track of whats going on

It was cool how the enemies would merge to form a bigger red enemy!

The title doesn't lie, the cat IS innocent!!

Jokes aside, fun game!! The art looks awesome, and the leaderboards are a really nice and clever touch (596 points!!)

yeah, thats a good point

i see, interesting idea, but an exclamation point might a bit too obvious

There's already some kind of hint for that, actually, but it's not really obvious. The enemy stops bleeding around a second before they're back to a normal state.

I think the solution would be to either tell the player about that beforehand or make them stop bleeding earlier.

heyo! I just updated the game. If you press the fullscreen button on, it will actually be fullscreen!!

You can also resize the windows version now, and make it fullscreen as well.

I see, I see.

I'll try and fix that when I'm home, if I remember to, lol

(1 edit)

Eyy, thanks for playing and streaming my game :D!!! 

So sorry that you missed the "window of opportunity" for attacking, tho! It was in the game's tutorial, but I think the fact that it doesnt reappear when you try again makes it unlikely for someone to fully restart the game and re-read the instructions, and makes it more likely for someone to miss crucial info, like you did :,)

There was supposed to be more story, but I didnt have time to add everything i wanted :(, maybe in a future update.

If you ever play again, you just need to swipe in any directions to attack once the enemy is stunned. It's not very clear on whether the enemy is stunned, or if it managed to stun you, but you'll know you won if you're able to attack quickly during the "quick-time colors inverted" sequence. 

Hope this helps! :D

Edit: saw your stream and yeah, you were getting it at the end! You were basically perfect for countering Aruna, you were just missing the "attack as much as possible" thing during the bleeding, lol. Also your reaction to the second enemy was hilarious

Cant believe you accused me of not programming in the enemy damage, tho! How cruel >:( /j

thank you!! Glad you managed to pull through despite the difficulty :D

Cool game!! Was challenging all the way through, and thank god for the sword blood mechanic, cause it really adds a lot to the game. Its risky to pull off, but the reward of healing and a temp boost to your attack power makes it all the more worth it!

The boss was cool too! A healthbar for it wouldve been nice, tho, but thats my only nitpick, tbh

thank you, and good luck tomorrow!!! This game is quite hard, so feel bad if you cant beat some of it ^^

Thanks u, glad you liked it!!!!

yeah, even if there's some missing stuff, i still had a very good time with it!! I even replayed it today for funsies, lol

I'm glad you liked it, and congrats on beating all of the bosses!! 

As for the issue with the forward attacks, its the first time I've heard of that issue. the only thing I can think of is that, when you would try to attack forward, you would drag a little bit above or under, which the code recognised as an "up" or "down" attack.

The game detects the angle of your mouse drag and uses that info to detect the attack type, so that might be whats causing it.

So it might just be a little quirk of the game, lol.

i see.. i think a mix between weighted chances and a timer would work well. Maybe a weapon is more likely to appear the more enemies you kill? Just an idea, though!

tysm, glad you liked it and found it exciting!! :D

No probs! And the spin attack idea sounds cool! Glad my feedback was useful ^^

Really neat game, i like! 

It was weird how some enemies would require a different amount of presses despite looking the same. Like, one bird had only one slash to beat it, but the next one needed 3. It wasnt that bad, honestly, just kinda confusing. 

I would keep the number of slashes consistent with the enemy type (bird = 1 slash, goblin looking thing = 2 slashes, etc.). It allows the player to better predict their next move, because they'll be ready for how many times they need to press the button.

Actually, maybe thats why the button presses are (seemingly) random? To keep the players on their toes? If that was the intended result, then you can ignore my previous yapping, lol. Good game!

Honestly one of my favourite games in this jam so far, and itll probably stay that way! The movement felt super duper really good, and moving around the map was fun even if it didnt get that much dev time, as youve stated previously.

Only minor complaint is that you cant gain health back.

Also, the counter did feel good, especially when I was flying through the airs. Felt like a badass, lol

interesting game, but i feel that its a little too hard and unfair. The groundwork is there for a solid game! The meditating mechanic is pretty cool,  and the movement feels alright, but with some additional tweak needed. I also like that you get pushed around when attacked, its a nice detail!

The problem, however, is that the the best strategy in this game is to fight an enemy, wait until your stamina and health goes all the way back up, then rinse and repeat.

The enemies deal so much damage that you basically have to fight them one by one along with meditating beforehand to deal extra damage, and when you defeat them, you have less than 1/3rd of your hp when you had full health earlier.

Plus, meditating heals you slowly, which im actually fine with on its own! Its only a problem when combined with the other issue, because it really slows down the gameplay.

Personally, the enemies should deal a lot less damage than they currently do, because you cant really beat one without meditating first. Not only would it feel more fair to fight others, but it allows the possibility of having two or more samurai enemies fighting you at once, which could be interesting!

I think it would also be nice if meditating was a little faster so you dont wait too long. A nice way to get this done would be to make health regenerate faster the longer you meditate. A simple risk-reward mechanic! (Stamina would also decrease faster with health regen)

Honestly, the rest is perfectly fine! The biggest problem to me was the absurd enemy damage, but everything else was good. There was a bug where I couldnt sprint towards the bottom right for whatever reason, but its more of an annoyance if anything.

TL;DR: Enemies are powerful in a super unfair way. However, the rest of the game was well done, so good job, for real life!

Really interesting game. The distractions kept me on my seat's edge, and almost got me a few times!

Sometimes it did feel kind of inconsistent with the timing window? sometimes I would win when I felt like I shouldnt have and the other way around, but its merely a nitpick since that only happened a few times.

But I did managed to get a score of 14! And the grayscale asthetic was nice!

Had a lot of fun with this one! Weapons had a nice variety, but I wish they spawned a bit more often. Same for the health pickup, as I've only got it once in my couple of runs.

Good job overall!!

Cool game! It was kinda hard but fun to dart around to attack the enemies!

Moving between rooms felt weird, though. The collisions for it were inconsistent. Sometimes I wouldnt be able to get in despite being right on top of the door, and other times i would change rooms when I didnt want to. It wasnt frustrating, more so a little annoyance, but pressing E to interact with doors wouldve probably been better.

Also, I dont know if anyone else had this issue, but when I went from one room and back, there would be an enemy that appeared out of nowhere, despite not being in that room beforehand. I dont know if I just missed them, if its intentional or a bug where an enemy is going through walls, but I figured I'd mention it just in case. Was just kinda weird.

But on the bright side, it did help in making it feel more satisfying for when I beat the boss!

Nice game! I was a bit confused at first as to how the controls worked but eventually I figured it out.

The fighting felt good. Sounds were satisfying, visuals were neat and the numbers showing up surprisingly added a lot to the experience imo. It wouldve been interesting if attacking was done whenever you pressed the button rather than just holding it, but it didnt hinder the experience that much.

The story was good too! Simple but effective. The ending was bittersweet, which really tied the whole thing together. Good job overall :D

Fun lil game!. Gun play was simple but rlly satisfying with some good variety (especially the sounds, the AK felt veeery good).

It was short and the movement felt a little slow, but that could be because the enemies werent very close from eachother. Speeding up the movement would still be a nice, though. And a quick tutorial for it would help since i didnt even realize you could jump, lol.

BUT overall, nice game! I can see this being HELLa fun and addictive with a few Quality of Life touches along with some extra content

(1 edit)

thank you!! I apologise for the overtuned difficulty, but I'm glad that youve enjoyed it regardless!!

Tip: saw your gameplay and I noticed that, when a hint would appear, you would attack immediately, which probably led to some confusion. You're supposed to wait a little bit before countering when a hint appears. Also, when the enemy is stunned, you have a limited time to attack, so you had to stop before that timer reached to an end or else the enemy would automatically counter. You did get kinda close to beating the first boss, tho! So some clarity on how everything works wouldve totally helped

Hope this helps a little ^^"

tysm!! I didnt have that much experience with animating in that style, so I'm glad you like it!!

And yeah, as others have said, game's a lil too difficult.. if I ever update the game I'll definitely tweak the difficulty, but keep the original as a "hard" mode

And maybe add some extra content that didnt make it into the jam time!

Tysm!! Glad you've enjoyed it :D

tysm, and glad ya liked it! 

I'll admit that I definitely overtuned the difficulty ^^"

I think the best solution wouldve been to give more time for the player to counter (at least for the first boss), just to get them used to the flow. However, adding more hearts would be good too, since it gives the players more chances to learn what direction each hint is tied to.

Next time, I probably shouldnt assume that I'm having a hard time because of my own skill issues, lol. But still, glad you enjoyed it despite its hardcore difficulty!!

Tysm! Glad u like it, but sorry for it being too hard- definitely overtuned the difficulty-

But if you want to see the others, you can skip fights by pressing backspace during battles.

fun little arcadey-style game!!! Movement was fun, but the landing felt off, because your speed cuts to zero when you land. I think it might've felt better if you would roll onto the ground to keep the momentum. Music was a jam tho :D

OH! almost forgot!

that title you gave at the start was hilarious xD

really liked this game!! however, first person mode was annoying, as the gun would block off a good chunk of the screen, which made it really hard to use it. was also a bit more tough than it should have imo, but it was still fun! well done!!

neat lil game! it was a bit confusing how battle worked at first, but it quickly became clear, so it wasnta  huge issue. music was good and the story cutscenes were fun! good job!!

yeah, it can be a bit overwhelming, since everything is thrown onto you at once ^^" glad ya liked the visuals tho!

thanks for the feedback!! i understand how overwhelming the game can be at first, as its not immediately clear how everything works. If this gets an update, will definitely make things ease in nicer!!

glad you liked it! had to add some extra stuff to the controls so it all flowed nicely, glad it payed it off!