I'm not an SJW. I'm just an ordinary person. I don't make it a habit to seek out offensive stuff to report it, lol. I usually just stay away. You literally joined a prize competition with your fanmade thing. Fanfiction sites that tried that stuff in the 90's and 00's got C&D'd into oblivion. There's a reason the actually fan-run fanfiction site that isn't ad-laden says it's non-profit. I don't know how FF.net doesn't get sued but it has C&D'd both entire segments of fanfiction and specific fanworks. You can say fair use all you want, bro. But you clearly broke some rules when you entered it into TyranoBuilder Jam.
I never claimed to be from a law school but your nasty attitude towards people who have issues with your game really speaks volumes about where your priorities really are. You made a game to deliberately upset people. Just admit that. The name calling, extra classy I gotta say.
It's also funny that you bring up Weird Al and Mel Brooks. Weird Al has actually APOLOGIZED for upsetting people, has always asked PERMISSION to make his parodies and has always set out to both be not upsetting, positive and make music without foul language. Mel Brooks had a lot of respect for the stuff he lampooned and a lot of positive messages behind some of his parodies. Blazing Saddles was an anti-racism movie, The Producers showed that cheats get what's coming to them. While each parodied a genre, none of them parodied a specific movie. Even Naked Gun wasn't simply a Bond parody, it also parodied stuff like Mission Impossible and Die Hard.
I don't know much about any of the SJW crap. I never wanted to, I was never big on Tumblr stuff. I've been around on the net as a lurker since the mid 90's.
I make sure that if I write fanworks, I pay attention to what the original creators say. For that reason, I've never posted written fanfiction of any of Anne Rice's stuff, Anne McCaffrey's stuff or similar. They didn't want it about so I respected that wish.
I don't give a damn about privilege or any of that. I'm not some "Woke" Tumblrina teenager or 20 something who hasn't known what the world can do. So you can stick those accusations where the sun don't shine, along with your disrespectful attitude.
If you had any, you'd just post your game and not enter a paid game jam.