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The idea is brilliant but I had a lot of trouble to understand it. I was stuck for a long time in  the first level until I realised that you could grab the shadow. I am kinda stuck on level two I don't really know what to do I figured out that you can rotate the light but I don't see any exit?  The music is a nice touch and I found a bug where when you restart the level you hear the music twice.  I really like the idea  and the in game menu was a cool solution!


Yeah we didnt have time to test the built version and apperantly after compiling the game, almost everything is broken, within unity itself everything works perfectly and you dont get stuck on level 2, also we tried creating the tutorial through implication instead of words, but its too... not obvious, i defenetly want to keep working on it and fix all of the weird inconsistencies and bugs since we simply didnt have enough time to properly finish this game.

if you would like to get to the next levels to try them out ill tell you a mechanic that i failed to teach the player... walking into a shadow on the wall casted by the white light will bring you to the next level