Hey man, thanks for the review. I totally hear you on all of these points. A little dev told me "PUT IN THE BUTTERFLY, I LIKE IT" so... that happened (the pattern you snapped =P). Overall, we needed more time to develop, we only got a few hours between the three of us because of life issues. I would like to see a lot more responsive systems overall, the mouse controls were added pretty last minute and we didnt't have a lot of time to debug. The timing on all of the bullets/ammo/etc was all put together using unity's music analyzer, so that DEV WINK WINK STORMY said it was perfect and I believed him =P IT's a pretty powerful system but needs a good tuning. I was happy that we got a rough prototype working but I really wanted more time to work on this. The win screen, I put together and I'm indignant that you don't like it. It's beautiful and definitely not a last minute way to give us an actual game loop ;)
I'm still interested in giving this project some updates so your feedback is really appreciated =D
Thanks for playing !