This game is awesome. You got so much content in there, and the art is lovely. AND... adorable corgi companion! who can't be attacked. It's great. I do wish the player's hit box was bigger when attacking, as it felt like I had to be basically touching enemies to attack them. I also noticed some minor bugs, like, when my inventory was full and I walked over a chest, it didn't open and I didn't get the item, but then when I did have space in my inventory, it still couldn't open. But overall the game looks great and is fun to play. Nice work!
edit** also it's so cool you even had a boss fight in the game. I feel like the room for the boss fight could have been smaller, though, because I found myself running around it trying to see what else is hidden out of the camera, like maybe that mouse guy retreated back there, but just ran into invisible walls. So I think it could use some more indication of where the bounds are and where you should be.