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Maya Carter

A member registered Nov 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Oh my gosh I love the sound effects haha they really make it. Glad to see you posting games again. Getting ready to do Ludum Dare soon, would love to have you on our team if you're up to collab again!

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Hey man, just wanted to say that this was one of my favorite games from the jam, and easily the one I played the longest. I could not put your game down and I really expected it to be in the top 10. Your game rocks and you deserved better!! 

Really cool idea but the red slime didn't seem to be able to do anything ever. I also felt like the chests should do something besides be obstacles for the player, but I didn't find out a way to use them. 

This is almost a 5/5 on every category game. The idea is fantastic, the presentation is beautiful and cohesive (except for being able to see past the end of the water to the abyss a few times.) and there's so much room for skill. It's a brilliant concept- but I found it really hard to control the player. The frustration of missing those dark blue spots repeatedly, as the cars go around, or dropping the banana peel in the wrong place, soured what would have been a really addictive experience otherwise. You nearly have something super fun here, if you polish the controller.

Really cool point of view you chose for the scene. Loved the art and mood. Those are some needy plants!!

Fun~! But I wish the speed upgrade made a bigger difference. Since you can only buy one thing, and you need to spend coins on it, it doesn't feel like enough of a payoff. I also kind of felt like the trainers should be throwing pokeballs at you (that also kind of makes it a reverse bullet hell; they have the bullets, you need to escape) rather than charging you down and beating you. Still, had fun playing this and learning all the different weapon abilities. Nice work!

Fun cutscene at the beginning. The different environments are neat, too.

Nice simple little loop. I like the presentation, but I wish there were other hazards besides birds, and that the camera was a bit zoomed out when serving customers. It did get a bit repetitive, so maybe even something where as the flight attendant you need to get something specific for the people who requested it, might help give the player more to focus on. That said, the assets worked well together, and it has a fun vibe :)

Cool concept, but I had a hard time keeping track of the units and their money and the state of the battle and everything. Still, a neat and unique experience.

It took me a couple tries to get the game, but once I did this was really fun! I never got away with cheating - not once. But I love the exclamations that pop up when the other players call you out. There is a high level of polish here and it is genuinely super fun. Awesome work!

love the look and feel of this game :D super cute palette and the sounds and animations work great together. Simple loop, very well presented.

Really cute atmosphere :D gonna be honest, I didn't read any of the stuff about different classes. Just went with what I knew and what I thought about the quests. But it was a fun chill time ^_^

Wow gorgeous art you made for this! I love the little sprouty guys. Everything looks fantastic and the sfx sound really cute. Nice work!

lol really enjoyed your sound effects. The echo of the chickens, and the sound at the end when you lose, just all made it a very funny experience. Great work!

Love the vibe and the art. Super cool that you were able to get 3 playable characters with different abilities into the game. I had a hard time with not seeing the threat if I'm not controlling the right character. Maybe if the character that can see threats has ones, it should be freaking out? Like an animation that shows they are stressed so you can switch over to them? Still, really cool what you made!

Really cool retro feel! Nice and solid little concept, well executed. I got a bit confused when I would die though, a game over/restart screen would help :) still, awesome work!

I didn't really understand the differences between the choices I was making, but I like the concept and enjoying spilling milkshakes. Cool that you included a tutorial, too. Nice presentation as well :D

Took me a long time to start getting the hang of the mouse to move WASD to shoot controls, but it was a nice challenge. I do think it would be ideal if something forced you to switch between the two, as otherwise I'm generally much more comfortable using mouse to shoot. Still, did retry this one a bunch of times to get the hang of it some :) nice work!

Fun concept. My favorite was when I sent such a barrage of missiles that the following fleets were decimated the moment they came out. But it was hard for me to understand the difference between the missiles.

Took me a moment to get the hang of it, but it was fun! I appreciate the inclusion of the save points. Boss fight was cool too!

Very fun! Smooth and well polished. Kept restarting because it was genuinely a fun experience.

wow the art for this game is phenomenal. Just gorgeous. 

This is the most fun I ever had beating up an adorable dog XD but seriously this game was a lot of fun. Fantastic work with the cutscenes and the art. The mechanic was fun too. Good touch with the cute bonk sound when Laika hits the planets, so it feels cute and less abusive. But I sucked at the game so that dog got whipped around every which way haha 

Wow this is so cool! I love the mechanic. Blown away by how well it works and genuinely enjoyed every minute of playing this game. Fantastic work.

Cool concept and the abilities felt really fun. I like how the fire spontaneously spreads after you set it.

I like the art style! The dancing outlines and crayon feel is sweet.

I struggled with the controls (felt like I couldn't really place traps, like they wouldn't appear most of the time. And the freeze action didn't really seem to work but would deplete my energy) but I thought the concept is very cool and I like the presentation. Really neat idea but the controls could use more polishing. 

You already know this but this game is amazing. Such an incredible level of polish, and opening the chests and getting all those rewards is such a juicy way of doing the "level up" concept. Crazy fun and well made. 5's across the board.

I saw this on Vimlark's stream and I had to come check it out~! It's incredible how we thought such similar things. Down to the downard dash to pull the fishermen, and the game over screen with the cooked fish. So funny :D also your art is BEAUTIFUL! nice work. Good level of polish too.

awh was I on the last day? nearly earned my freedom. Really like the effect you used to make the screen look retro, even the border that makes it look like the screen is curved. And loved the theme you went with! I'm such a sucker for pokemon, and I thought it was super cute! Nice work :D

LOL I love the frogs that appear in the BG when you pause. The art in general, there are some incredibly beautiful images. That banner art is gorgeous. Gameplay-wise, I found it pretty difficult to hit the bugs I wanted to eat. I wish they were bigger, or spaced further apart.

Love the color palette and the little intro comic panels. The sad burned out adult is funny x) definitely liking the vibe of this game.

So it might be like the third level maybe? I don't remember the exact one. But there was a orange slice in the space beneath you, and two tiles you could go to above, and a knife that blocks the way. I tried going down to get the juice, then jump through the knife as it moves into another space, go above the knife and to the right, then on the square where I should jump down, and the knife is there, and when I jump down, the knife should move into the left space, freeing up the spot I am moving into, it kills me instead.

Incredibly polished beautiful game with so much variety in blocks. Mind-blowingly high quality entry. Fantastic work!

Hey~ we went in pretty similar directions :D really like the scene you built here. Lovely pixel art environment, and nice serene music. Great work! The page and thumbnail look so great that I just had to play.

Liked the art and the music. It's a neat concept, but it was really hard not to hit dracula with the crates because him and the enemy are always close together and dracula is bigger. Similar issue with potions. 

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I got stuck early on. It feels like the move I'm trying to make should work, and it's some kind of bug. I'm moving into a spot the knife is moving out of, but still dying.

That said, it's got a cute look. I love how the appliances have eyes and they dance back and forth.

Nicely polished and simple to learn. Love the use of the first scene to teach the mechanic.

Amazing work! Super fun, fantastically simple controls, and a great level of polish :D awesome entry.

Thanks! Do you mean a way to track high scores? You get your score at the end based on how many people you caught~ but yeah we didn't get around to having a leaderboard or anything like that.