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(2 edits)


i really loved the beginning of the game, but  i felt a bit uncomfortable at the end.   for anyone reading this comment, please read the trigger warnings, because  the animal  death thing is really apparent in ichigo's route :D

the rest of this section will have heavy spoilers, so stop  reading if you don't want any ! 

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i've only played ichigo's route (and i played this months ago, but decided to add a comment now, so apologies if i got anything wrong), so im sorry if there was anything new i missed.

from what i remember, ichigo confesses to stalking the mc   and being a murderer.  instead of trying to help him (like go to therapy or sumn),    mc  says  that she is fine with it, and that   she used to hurt animals.    it made me really uncomfortable, since i've had previous experiences with animal abuse (and it felt a bit like the game was saying "hey animal abuse is ok")    + it felt like it portrays murder as a cool and quirky thing .

defhgd i dunno, it just seems that ichigo is a messed up dude, and instead of trying to help him, she just encourages it.  maybe i'm overreacting since this is  a touchy subject for me, but if you  aren't comfortable with these topics, please don't play it. although it might be my fault that i didn't fully read the tws.

if you enjoyed the game, that's great! it just isn't personally my cup of tea.

op if you're reading this, the game is very pretty, and you did a great job designing the chars, ui, etc! i wish you luck developing  other games, and i appreciate the work you put in to the game! this isn't hate or anything, i just wanted to share my opinion on the game ^^ i hope whoever reading this has a swell day!

(4 edits)

That's completely valid! And yes, everyone should read the TWs more carefully and I'll try to highlight the TWs more so this won't happen again, hopefully. 

(Heavy spoilers below)





I understand why you would think that I tried to portray murder and animal abuse as this quirky thing, but I would like to remind you that you're playing as Aimi, and she has a few screws loose, so she accepts Ichigo and even encourages him. I myself do not condone those actions, and if someone were to do the things Ichigo and Aimi did in real life, I would condemn them no matter the reason they did it for. In the end, this is only fiction and I just wanted to have a little fun writing a MC that's not so good and wanted to write a story where the villains win.

Thank you for your honest opinion! I'm always happy to hear people's thoughts on the game wether it's a positive one or a negative one. I'm sorry it made you uncomfortable. Even though this is fiction, if you feel really uncomfortable by it, then it's perfectly okay and valid!  I still want to thank you for taking your time to play and comment on this! :)