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A member registered Mar 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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does anyone know how to edit the hair + eyes? the game only allows me to change moles nd skin colors rn 😞

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is there no way to romance incri i'm 10 minutes in and i love them already

slr but thank you! if it's alr to ask, how did you seperate the sprites from the spritesheet? im struggling with it rn   😭

OHH thank you  so  much!

hi! i know this is a bit late, but how do i get the franceso's route? leaving js takes me to oleander's  😭

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in the crowd scene, leaving just takes me to oleander's route

does anyone know how to start the francesco route? i'm in the prolouge and none of the options i choose start his route 😭

no pressure to update it though;  i think it's great as is already ^^

WOAH ??? i know this is two years late but please give hatsune miku sprites i beg

this seems really cool ??? waiting for more reviews before i download but the effort looks amazing

suggestion: would  love it if baba could talk! like just a  tiny baba saying stuff like "make sure to hydrate and finish youe tasks" would be really awesome :)

although it would be even MORE awesome if the user could edit the text baba says; making mini to do lists or reminders would be fun

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i haven't used it yet, but it seems really cool so far! i'm looking forward to any updates with this project

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oo alright! but i meant why can't she talk to them normally, then before they're about to leave use the items? so they can consent to leaving, and the god person won't get their emotions. aa because i feel really bad about the people in purgatory sharing their problems with us, then we suddenly force them to be happy. shouldn't we wait for them to be ready then use the objects? (if that makes sense :'D)

also why does the guide put people's mind in "the box"?  if i remember correctly, during the "solo route", we have to claim items from each member, and they reference towards "a box" thing?


again thank you sm for answering my questions! i'll also try replaying the game, since i binged played it at 3 am ;; 

i also want to say congrats on 2000+ downloads! i loved the point and click aspect, it was really cool to see in a visual novel. i grew attached to the characters, like rahel my beloved i would die for her. i've attempted coding before, and it can be really frustrating sometimes, so i just want to say congrats!! ^^

aa i see, thank you so much for clarifying! one more thing though, why couldn't astrid just do the same thing she did in the other timelines/save slots? like why couldn't she talk to the people in purgatory, and make them leave willingly? why did she have to use the items instead of talking them out into leaving purgatory? aa i'm sorry if that didn't make sense, and again, thank you so much for answering my questions!! ^^

ooo i see i see, thank you for clarifying!! i have a question though, doesn't the energy extraction thingie feel a bit forced? like the people in purgatory weren't really ready to leave yet, and forcing them out feels a bit wrong, is astrid ok with that? ;;

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aaa i completed the full game, and the art is gorgeous!! however, i'm a bit confused with the ending ;;

- major spoilers below !! -

i'm sorry if i'm just dumb, but i got lost during "the guide" route. i gave people items the guide gave me, and everyone starts acting weird/happy? then suddenly we're in a cafe with the guide dude and we dance with him?? (didn't he just mess with our friend's heads?) i have no idea why everyone's acting weird and now there's this god thing eating emotions? also why did our dead boyfriend appear and move in with us?  also who is remm and why does she have demon eyes? why did we suddenly join the guide dude in the purgatory? like weren't we supposed to escape it or something? aaa please don't take this as hate, the game is great and the art is beautiful, it's just that i don't really get the story. could someone please explain it in the replies?

i'm sorry if my grammar is weird was hard to understand, i'm not that fluent in english ^^;

gfdghj aaa i loved this so much!! i haven't finished the demo yet, but omg i've been laughing so much because of the random shenanigans. also id sell my soul for felix and lucas omg they're amazing i love them already. i'll try to save up money to buy the full game when it releases!! good luck developing this game, and i hope you have a swell day :D!

i haven't played this yet, but omg this looks so cute!! aaa i love the aesthetic, and the art looks amazing djhfksja!

1. which character did you like best?

NICO MY BELOVED, i need more of him. i will sell my soul if i have to 

2. did you manage to unlock the post-credits scene?


3.  your favourite scene/ moment in the game?

all the scenes with nico

4. would you like to see more of any particular side character/ is there any other content you'd like us to add or improve on?

i'd love to see more of coco!!

5. anything else you'd like to ask or tell us!

don't rush! make sure to take breaks, and don't force yourself ^^

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i really loved the beginning of the game, but  i felt a bit uncomfortable at the end.   for anyone reading this comment, please read the trigger warnings, because  the animal  death thing is really apparent in ichigo's route :D

the rest of this section will have heavy spoilers, so stop  reading if you don't want any ! 

-  ♡ -

i've only played ichigo's route (and i played this months ago, but decided to add a comment now, so apologies if i got anything wrong), so im sorry if there was anything new i missed.

from what i remember, ichigo confesses to stalking the mc   and being a murderer.  instead of trying to help him (like go to therapy or sumn),    mc  says  that she is fine with it, and that   she used to hurt animals.    it made me really uncomfortable, since i've had previous experiences with animal abuse (and it felt a bit like the game was saying "hey animal abuse is ok")    + it felt like it portrays murder as a cool and quirky thing .

defhgd i dunno, it just seems that ichigo is a messed up dude, and instead of trying to help him, she just encourages it.  maybe i'm overreacting since this is  a touchy subject for me, but if you  aren't comfortable with these topics, please don't play it. although it might be my fault that i didn't fully read the tws.

if you enjoyed the game, that's great! it just isn't personally my cup of tea.

op if you're reading this, the game is very pretty, and you did a great job designing the chars, ui, etc! i wish you luck developing  other games, and i appreciate the work you put in to the game! this isn't hate or anything, i just wanted to share my opinion on the game ^^ i hope whoever reading this has a swell day!