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This is an impressive game. Controls, graphics and sound feel very good and polished. The pixel art is really nice. The mechanics are well implemented.

But it feels a bit like a tech demo. I think the random nature of this game does not work very well to be honest. I was missing a bit of direction and motivation other than exploring all the great stuff you guys have put into this piece. With a more distinct level design and a bit of exposition at the start, this will turn into a really nice game, if you decide to put more time into it. What you have submitted is in my eyes a very well functioning and fun to play fundament for that.

You hit it on the nose really. This is the first project we have worked on together, so it was a test to see how well we could work together and see what we could achieve. We definitely plan on building upon this and making the flow work much better.

Thank you very much for the feedback!

Totally fair. We're still working on it (actually just made a huge amount of progress in one day that I wish I had for the jam version) and we have some ideas on making the exploration feel a lot more fun. Thank you for your opinions!