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Took me an embarassingly long time to figure out that the button prompt to activate ghost is supposed to be Shift... I did not recognize that symbol XP

In general I had fun I think. The story lol damn that's dark. The concept is very creative and has much potential to become a puzzle platformer if you add more mechanics to interact with it.

The sound ambient fits the atmosphere of the game so well although it is just a simple ambient music. The SFX also feels good.

Some criticisms:

  • Weeeelll looks like it was just me but as mentioned previously it took me an embarassingly long time to realize that symbol is shift. What do you think of a more straightforward design of rectangle with the word "SHIFT" at the center?
  • The level design feels... random imo. Except for the first three screen the level looks without purpose other than as a filler between the start and the ending. Perhaps the sporadic nature of the terrain is purposeful to show that it is just hallucination? Still though... A less random, more purposeful level design, although unfortunately I cannot elaborate in detail how that might look like, may be something you want to put into consideration. Perhaps the level should highlight how the mechanics you created can be used in interesting ways; or when it comes to routes and branches you may want to be more purposeful as to what kind of experience you want to give the player. Must admit this is hard stuffs so sorry if I cannot really elaborate clearly.
  • More regarding level design... some screen transitions put me onto a cliff. Well it's not that huge a deal since when I die I restart very close but still... some screen transitions put me onto a cliff that immediately drops me down.
  • The tiles themselves are good... but just seeing one type of tile throughout such a long journey without anything to break the monotony feels... well somewhat monotonous. A little decoration here and there wouldn't hurt :3
  • Just a confirmation... wall jumping is not within your intention right? You see... when I did not realize that I could activate my ghost using shift, I still tried to advance; but then I found out I could "double jump"... and then "triple jump"... and then I realized that I was simply wall jumping. I do not know what may have caused that bug but you may want to look into it. Using the wall jumping I could progress up until the screen before the ending.

Hey, thanks for playing and thanks for all the feedback!!!

I was one of the programmers and we did notice the wall jumping bug and we're already working on fixing that for a little polish build when the rating period is over. We just didn't manage to get that done in time for submission. 

I'll ask the artists to make an alternate version of the shift button too we can put in to make it a bit more clear what button you're supposed to press.

Again, thanks for playing and thanks for all the feedback!!


This game was made in Unity right? I think checking whether or not the player is on the ground can be done using raycasting in Unity...

Tho... I changed engine from Unity to Godot for a  reason lol... I am sure Unity is more powerful but I found out making Platformer in Godot is far easier and faster and so Godot is more suited for Game Jam purposes...

Yea it's unity. We're mainly using it as it's what we know so it's easier for us to get something out quickly. I haven't used Godot before but I'm not sure if my teammates have.