Thanks for the reply. The relevance algorithm is a bit more complicated than I described above. For the relevance matching method the short description is also taken into account as words, but it uses a reduced weighting. Additionally, the way it adds up multiple occurrences might not be linear, and some words don't count because they are considered stop words. (These rules are defined in the sorting method that out database, Postgres gives us). In a future update I'm considering removing the sort description from the set of words. This is the kinda thing I need to spend some time testing though, since altering the sort to make some people go up will push others down, especially for broad topic based searches. This is why I think it's more worth it to push topic based searches to browse pages with tags.
I've added Slime as an approved tag so it will now appear on top when you search for it: Another change I can think to make is show any tag if it directly matches the search query, even if isn't approved.
As an user attempting to search by tag, even after being told it exists, I have no clue where to find such a feature through itself.
I agree this is an issue. We have plans to add a freeform tag selector but we haven't had a chance to put together the UI yet.