The Music and Sounddesign are pretty nice, the Titlescreen made me expect more from the Ingame Graphics, but I guess thats just because its a WIP.
Dungeon generation is rather boring, I'd love to see more variety then 2 tile wide paths connecting square rooms.
When attacking, player should rotate into movement direction and stop movement for the attack animation imo, at the moment if you just spam attack fast enough you can strafe however you want while continously attacking into one direction during that. Game also becommes infinitely harder once you get hit for the first time and loose your master sword blaster, but thats not necessarily bad.
Saw an enemy spawn outside the walkable area and then walk into it once, probably a bug. Also you don't loose your laser completely when you pick up a few maxHP increases and loose some hp afterwards, don't know why.
If you rescale the Window to something lower then its starting size it doesn't scale properly and only shows part of the Viewport.
Needs some work, but could be a nice procedural dungeon runner zelda like thing in the future, good work for Enginedevving!
I'm curious, why are you shipping libwinpthread-1 with it? Why do your JSONs reference .aseprite files? do you convert your pngs. to those at runtime for your Animations or something? Are the odd numbers in your Tileset JSONs due to floating errors or something else?
Please consider naming it SonicBlade.exe or something instead of main.exe, its nothing major, and it obviously works fine as it is, but its bugging me way more then it should for some Reason.