Just played the game for a solid 20 minutes and was really getting into it. No clue if you're still active, but wrote down all the feedback that came to mind while playing.
- pathfinding and reactions of enemies is great
- the way hunters pause in shock is a great touch for gameplay
- music and gameplay match up very well, helps player focus on the game
- artstyle is great and works great for a tile-based game
- randomized obstacles around the houses helps replayability* a ton
- Hunters are hard to notice, which hurts a fast-paced game like this. Giving them the same color scheme as the vampire would be great
- ps4 controller doesn't seem to work on menu or in game
- ps4 spoofed as XBOX with InputMapper (extremely reliable IMO but may duplicate gamepads) doesn't work on main menu
- a warning on the door as people are about to come out would be great. a little extra yellow light as a warning and showing through the windows would make the village seem a lot more "villagey"
- holding a 2nd key to go that direction after finishing moving along a wall would be great
- a "BONUS STAGE" message would help, since I got kind of confused at what was going on
- there are occasional duplicate sprites on the vampire such as sucking someone's blood while walking away
Keep up the good work!