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Fantastic! I can definitely picture the forest here even though you're using strings on top of woodwinds, little that I know it actually can work :D I love the pizzicato tremollo. May I know if it's a preset articulation or did you plot a lot of notes manually? Nice use of... um... church bells? It sounds very full and rich, like you're using a church reverb hehe. Well done mate! Amazing job!


Hahah, I am definitely no music theory expert, I know the concept of letting strings and woodwinds take their turns and let the other through, but perhaps it works better here because they're both not very busy, and the mandolin carries the brunt of the melody? Speaking of the mandolin, the tremollo it gives are individual notes and not a preset articulation in fact! :) Glad you liked the tubular bells as well hahaha

Thank you for listening! :D