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Just wanted to let you know that I have been playing the Mac version (OS 10.12.6) for a few months & recently in ver 0.0.16 I have found a couple of issues. The first time that I played to the end was in the previous version (I believe that was 0.0.14).  This time with ver 0.0.16, the issue comes up when Kiko's father meets with the doctor in front of the clinic to discuss what he wants the doctor to do.  Once you answer him and the day ends, the same screen with Kiko & the father comes back every time.  I went back several saves and tried making different decisions & that had no effect.  Every time that scene with the father  Kiko keeps repeating and I am unable to advance.  The main difference between the ver 14 and ver 16 games was that I did not have Kiko strip down & then do the nasty at her house.  

Another issue that I have seen is that the calendar is one day behind, i.e., it says Saturday when it really is Sunday.  I did not have that issue in the previous version.  

Also, a lot of the patient medical records do not show up but rather you get the error message which I have chosen to ignore and just advance without seeing the information.  However, the first issue with Kiko & the father scene still stops the game from advancing regardless.

Please let me know if you need some additional information. 

Thanks for the report. This are known issues already solved in 0.0.17, so you'll see them fixed very soon :)

Thank you for the feedback on that issue. 

 I noticed that you are on Steam.  Have you determined the price that you will have on the game when it is fully released?

Yep, you can find that information and more here:

Thanks for playing the game!