I have a little to add here if that's alright.
To the people that need explicit sex scenes to have a good finale, I don't know if there is a compromise to ever be had. The fade to black parts were already that nice middle ground I thought. Heck even that was more than I expected since all I had hoped for from Tysons route was that "I love you" moment with Dave and maybe an awkward kiss. Both of which were delivered on (and then some).
I guess if I had to add anything, since I'm overall satisfied with what we do have, maybe just more dialogue or descriptions in some places would be nice. Orlando and Hoss could both do with a bit more because as it is both of their scenes kind of just happen and it's suddenly over whereas Dean and Tyson have that little bit extra.
This sort of applies to each route overall as well, not just day 19, that more dialogue could be added to flesh out everyone's relationship with Dave just that little bit more.
As an example, my favorite part in that pdf was probably Tyson licking Dave affectionately at the end. It was cute and overall a minor thing, but even something that minor stuck with me.
That story actually had a lot I wish was in the game itself. And I don't mean the sexual more explicit parts, I think it's that we get to see them interact for a bit longer and it just felt more natural. Like, it really felt like they loved each other then and it was... well, nice.