Thanks for your reply! Maybe I should clarify a little, I of course don't have any ambitions to have my ratings be solely based on objective measures. For me, the "Impression" category for example is definitely something that's solely subjective. However, I also do believe that good art criticism should not leave out objective measures. In this jam, a category like "Quality" is something that I think can be measured mostly objectively, though of course there's also a subjective component to that.
I think what I was trying to say is that I understand "Composition" as a thing that has a good chunk of objectivity to it? Like, if there had been a piece of 12 tone music, I'm pretty sure I would not have enjoyed it very much, but I could still appreciate its composition. That doesn't mean that I want to become an "objective art robot" at all and of course there are also subjective qualities to composition. I just wanted to say that I find it particularily hard to seperate "Impression" and "Composition" in this jam.
I also think you're right that the voting system is fair enough to balance out different tastes in music. To clarify, this wasn't necessarily meant as a criticism of the voting system itself, just a personal reflection on my experience with it and that I personally found it hard to rate this category.
TL;DR you're absolutely right that there is no purely objective art criticism, but I believe good criticism should be a mixture of poth objective and subjective measures.