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I would so much want to like to this game but it's nearly unplayable for me. I spent three different tries (had to restart the game) to find a way in the darkness but got frustrated as I could find anything reasonable to do. 

It looks promising but the darkness is too much. Maybe you could have added a spotlight or something, small light sources for player to navigate (other than crystals) or something. I don't want to shoot with the gun to create light it's just too short.

I didn't see any enemies so I probably missed a lot of the game.

(1 edit)

We have had a good amount of playtesters  and that is not one of the complaints we've had, we give the hint as to the fact you can shoot the gun to see, as i said  other people tried the game and even finished it. 

We also included cheats so everyone can finish it.... just use those and use the gun more. The theme of the jam is darkness adding a spotlight/flashlight would make it generic, there would be nothing to do in the game aside from following lights shooting enemies and runes, this way navigating and finding your way is also part of the experience. 

I have noticed most games of the jam it is merely dark and you can still see which in my opinion makes it pointless, decreased visibility doesn't work, visibility is something you either have or you don't, according to range.

The crystals were supposed to give out a bit more light you are correct there. Try the game again and actually use the gun since its the main mechanic.