Simple and clean - the palette swaps were ok, but it got a little boring after a while, some decor would really help.
Liked the loop, nothing offensive or outstanding here.
Big weapons were funny but could be abused to hit enemies through walls and floors and with the health issue (below) it made me play the game in an un fun manner.
Enemies had a good variety, knife throwers need balancing (too fast) and the mages were a little strong (slower projectiles?) - though I did mostly resort till the had thier backs to me and just attacked (or hit them through the level).
I felt like there could have been more health pickups - I only died once to the last boss and only because I started it on 8 HP :) would have made exploring and finding the dead ends better to be rewarded with something.
Boss was ok but there was a spot at its feet that you were basically invincible - not a massive fan of hurt on touching enemies, but its was everywhere else so it surprised me not to be on the boss :)
Really fun entry and loved the different weapons and expansive map - had a great time with this one! Well done on Submitting!