What I liked
- The art was cool and consistent
- I dug the moveable objects. I found it cool that I could use them to affect enemies, and more importantly, use them on pressure plates to unlock doors.
- I liked that you had a couple boss fights.
- 1 hit deaths. I feel like the minimum amount of hits should be three. One to assess the level and difficulty, and two more to try to make it through.
- More feedback to the player. I had no clue if I was actually dealing damage to enemies until they actually died.
- The final boss room. I don't have a problem with the boss itself, but those random projectiles that fly upwards are so fast and the previously mentioned points compound the problem. There's no feedback to the player. I feel like they should be slower and give off a warning noise (i have falling spikes and no warning noise or animation so I'm just as guilty of this)
Congrats on submitting your game!