Hello !
First, let me tell you that this is my new favorite game ! It is simple to understand but very captivating and I absolutely love the music (even when playing for a long time it doesn't get on my nerves at all).
FYI I noticed a few bugs that can completely ruin a run, and also a few broken combo that can just obliterate waves ad waves of enemies (very satisfying but waaaay overpowered)...
Game-Breaking bugs :
- Soft-lock when a tile is destroyed while in queue. You can't match anything and have to let your perks do the work for you
- Sometimes the tiles get stuck in queue for a few seconds before swapping, so the enemies move in the mean time and it can be useless. Also you have to wait for the queue to apply so you are defenseless and can die very easily.
- If you are "too good" with a completely overpowered skill combination the game can't keep up and freezes. (The music still worked though) For context, my combination was so overpowered that the game was playing itself for more than 20 minutes because new tiles were destroyed again and again, and I am pretty sure I had to be "lucky" for a bad enough layout to happen and stop that.
- There is indeed a big issue with orange tiles. For most games the initial layout isn't affected but after that orange tiles don't spawn at all until you pick the "trump color" perk that seem to fix spawn rates. I must admit that it is pretty amusing that the perk fixing orange tiles could be named after Donald Trump though 😂 it's like a random Easter egg made by coincidence.
Overpowered perks and combos :
- "Inner demon" is completely overpowered, because with only a x5 combo you can clear the board, and if you have good perks it is way too easy to do.
- With "Trump color" + "Wildcard" + "Fallout" on the exact same color you can get almost infinite combos where most of the board clears again and again.(until the game crashes of course) Without the "Inner demon" perk that kept resetting the combo I am pretty sure I would have had something like x400 or x500 when it crashed, and I was about to break the current world record by far.
Suggestions :
- Obviously, fix the bugs :-p
- Make the "inner demon" skill deal 1 damage to every enemy on the board instead of killing them instantly, it would still be powerful but not necessarily game breaking.
- Possibly remove the "wildcard" skill and/or the "trump color" skill, because if you combine the two it is way too easy to make long combos
- Add more and more tile colors the longer the game lasts, that way it will become harder to make long combos and break the game. The more colors you have the worst it gets for accessibility and colorblind people, but it probably can't be helped :-/
Keep up the good work ! I can't wait to play the final version of the game ! :-D