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Cool space themed entry !

I really like the title screen the player robot and the void alien robot creature things designs, nice and detailed pixel art.

The emphasis on exploration is also really well made, with just a bit of a downside that you can easlily get lost in the level cause it seems huge, i like the fact that you went for no hand holding but here a few landmarks or helps with navigation would have been nice.

On a similar aspect, i like that you can just try found powerups to see what they do, but the first 3 weapons don't seem to get any sprite change so i wasn't even sure i had them in the first place (appart from one which looked different but couldn't get cause it was behind a door i didn't have the ability to open yet) one last issue would be character movement speed, i get the sprint button but it is ultra fast making precise platforming a bit hard, and the regular movement speed is really ultra slow.

Now that being said the game is good besides all that, and i've had fun rolling around this space structure trying to progress, i also really enjoyed the details like the sparks your bullets make impacting any surface, and the music really captured that feeling of space i.m.o.

For a first collab as you mention on the game's page, you guys did a great job together.

Well done :)