Ooo I love the art so much, these robots are so cute an personality filled! amazing work.
Gameplay was a bit confusing at first, but I figured it out pretty quickly,
Tho I was terrible at reading the news. so I just grabbed parts when I was out of a specific one and that worked well enough.
In a full game I think the hectic building and selling could work on its own without balancing getting resources at the same time, might be nice if during the day you build/sell, during the night you grave rob hehe. Just a fun thought. obviously out of scope for a jam, this was a great middle ground for time and content. Great work
The game does get a bit repetitive after day 3 or so, I will be honest and say I did kind of quit when I hit a "Okay I get it" mentality. Maybe if their was money to just seem as a score? What probably didnt help was the music stopped looping.
Really awesome entry!