Thanks for reporting all those bugs. Especialy with those pictures. It really helps a lot.
I fixed all of them and uploaded new version 0.14.1. Changelog is in this post at the bottom. This version should be fully compatible with saves from 0.14.
However, I was unable to replicate the vanishing glasses. I put them on and finished the "one of us" quest. I got my powers, went to the monolith and I still had them. Did I do everything like you did, or did you do something differently?
As for your questions and suggestions:
Science together with machinery is still very malnourished. If you look at the roadmap in previous posts, you can see I'm planning on improving it drasticaly in June. This means not only new recipes for crafting and alchemy table, but also new uses for old and new items, new stations, new events and more. Tadeas will teach you most science skills, but Olaf also has some if I remember corretly. There are some hidden recipes but I wouldn't really try experimenting for them since they are hidden for a reason (The items either don't work correctly or are too OP or too weak).
As for mutations, you should be able to make weak mutagen if you learn from Tadeas. You can also get it by killing some enemies. Using it directly will lower your integrity. Once it reaches 0, you will mutate. There are minor and major mutations. Minor are not visible and they increase your atributes a bit. Major are visible and they change some things. Few NPCs will refuse to talk to you if you have major mutation, Hunters around the map will turn hostile and kobolds will let you enter their cave without attacking you or finishing the fish quest. You can wear the church robes to make NPCs talk to you again. Chosing the "Mutant" background at the start of the game will give you one major mutations, make your maximum integrity 50 instead of 100 and you will lose some integrity every week, esentialy making you mutate more over time. Right now, there are only lizard mutations, but I want to add atleast four different ones in the future. Those strong syringes can be get from the dungeon in the forest:
Kill Kobolds or bandints. Once your character kills about 50 of them alone, Mr. White will appear in front of your hideout. After that, go to the ruins with stairs in the forest. Talk to him again and use the empty spot next to the gate. Now you can enter the "random" dungeon. At the end, you can find best weapons in the game as well as mutagenic syringes and items you can exchange for training with Mr. White.
And as for the prices, the ingame economy is still broken, mainly because I didn't really touch it since the early development. In early private versions, there were no crafting points so you could make infinite amount of items as long as you had the resourcess. This made making money insanely easy and made working close to pointless once you unlocked all the recipes. I "fixed" that by basicaly aplying the runescape economy model, where crafted items are cheaper than the raw resourcess. Things changed by adding the crafting points, but I still want to add some mechanics to limit the posibility of someone finding easily made items and then selling them for insane amounts of money.
I believe I have to do the folowing before I can seriously start adjusting the item prices.
- Certain NPCs should buy only specific items.
It never really made sence why someone would by hundreds of feathers when he had no use for them.
- NPCs will buy different items for different prices
This change will only get better as the development progresses. Meeting new NPCs will open new trade oportunities. Adventurer will pay more for a healing potion then for example an alchemist. Blacksmith will pay less for a gold bar then a jeweler.
- Selling one item type over and over again should lower its price
This is pretty obvious. Selling hundreds of wood logs should lower their price since the market will be flooded with them.
- More things to buy
It's nice to have a nicely developed economy system, but it is pointless if there is nothing to buy for the money. Right now, money is mainly used for learning recipes or buying some minor items like food or healing. And once you buy some armor, tools and weapon, there is nothing to buy. I want to change that. Renting a house, room in an inn, renting a large field, hiring mercenaries, buying expensive working stations, hiring workers,... I have plenty of ideas that are more interesting than boring expensive weapons and armor.
I plan on working on most of those bullet points in upcoming months. If everything goes as planned, I will release animal husbandry together with NPCs buying only certain items and maybe items having different prices for different people. This should be relatively easy to do and once I have that finished, I will start working on adjusting prices of all items. Might happen next month.
Again. Thank you for reporting all those bugs and writing suggestions. It relly helps me a lot and it also feels nice to know that someone cares enough not only to report bugs, but also to write suggestions.