Really cool entry!
Its always nice to see some form of story/context in a jam game.
Game play was fun but I quickly realized being damaged only loses steam, Which resulted in me just clicking very fast between steam and the engine. Got to the boss in 2 minutes I think? probably slower than just shooting the enemies tbh haha.
A few very Minor "things I would have liked to see, but jam times being what they are Its no biggy":
- Would love to see hot keys to switch between carts easier! Maybe like 1,2,3 for Gun, Steam, Engine?
- Would be very nice if the bullets rotated with the aim direction
- The sound button in the main menu was bugged for me, every time I clicked the button it started playing the music again.
- Would be nice if the pixel art had similar pixel sizes. When you have too many different pixel sizes I think the art loses a bit of cohesion
But the tone was just right, I loved the choice of palette! I had fun with this entry and again I love seeing small stories!
Really good work!