Another fun hectic shooter from Grasp Games 😁
It is certainly an improvement on the previous game jam shooter 💪. Controls feel better. It is still very hectic, but that is what makes it so challenging. Fun to play. Being able to skip the intro with a button would be nice. A pause button or pause menu would have been handy too. A nice bonus for an update or other game is perhaps an online leaderboard in the game itself.
Colorful, nice 2D art and background plus beautiful spaceships. Lots of things happen on your screen in terms of colour and effects. But it does fit together.
Loud music. But exciting sound track. Sound fx are sometimes a little absent by the loud track, but still present. Solid audio.
A lot of space things in the game. Check 😉.
Comprehensive devlog with illustrations for clarification. Nice piece of work.
Another nice game made. Keep improving like this. Good job.