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I was trying to figure the logic dehind the file names like srw_arpg_0_0 , etc ... and I dont't see the pattern :)

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Arg, yeah you're right, it's a bit of a mess right now. (mostly due to how I name splitted files from their original sheets). Each frame file comes from simple sheets (3x4 frames) which come from bigger ones (4x2 sheets) which also comes from a mix between weapons files, shield files and the Character Pack 😅

At the end of the day you get filenames with plenty of indexes in them 😔. Anyway, I can fix those filenames soon and regenerate the pack (probably next wednesday), sorry about that ! I'll keep the same folders structure tho, if it's ok for you.

if you can do this it would be fantastic, otherwise I won’t be able to automate the management of the different characters :)

Thanks for your great support

Hi pimox :)

Here is my proposition :

"4x2" folders contains the concatenate sheets and "1x1" folders contain simple sheets (3 by 4 frames).

  • With "4x2" folders :
    • Monsters concatenated sheets are named "monsters_<index>.png" (since they only have walk animation with colorswap).
    • Characters concatenated sheets are named "character_<index>/srw_arpg_<weapon_name>.png" (they are now correctly splitted by weapon).
  • With "1x1" folders :
    • Monsters sheets are named "monsters_<index>_<index_sheet>.png"
    • Characters sheets are named "character_<index>/srw_arpg_<weapon_name>_<index_sheet>.png"
      • Subfolder "frames/" contains splitted version of 4x2 sheets, but by frame :  "character_<index>/frames/srw_arpg_<weapon_name>_<index_frame>.png"

Current <weapon name> are :

  • slash01 
  • sword01 
  • sword02 
  • sword03
  •  spear01 
  • spear02 
  • staff01
  •  staff02
  •  staff03 
  • staff04 
  • staff05
  •  staff06

(Empty 1x1 sheets/frames correspond to empty spaces in the corresponding 4x2 sheet). Could be used for future shields tho.

Future updates will contain more weapons/shields  and monsters, but will not impact the current filenames (just more files with incremented index). If this naming is good for you, I'll stick with it.

Hope this helps :).

If it's not too much work for you, let's give it a try, it seems like a good proposition. As soon as you can export files with this logic, I'll code the relevant system in Godot and I'll tell you if it's efficient.

Thanks again for your work

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Okidac, you can take a look at the current version downloadable then :).

Let's go then !