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Hey! Thanks for the feedback.

I wonder if splitting the long hallway with a moving wall in the first level in to two separate moving walls would reduce the waiting time and add an extra layer to think about when approaching it. πŸ€”That would be a fairly easy change after all, and might fix the issue. The moving wall in the third level can be both moving in and out and you can get past, so that one is probably less of an issue?

My original plan for the checkpoint system was to make it a "hard mode" toggle, to have them not spawn. And with the death counter I wanted to add a leaderboard system for people who really want to get in to it. Both of those things still might get added/changed in the future. Maybe just allowing access to the leaderboard after someone has finished the game once, so they can have fun with dying and fooling around in the first run and then they can try hard as an "extra challenge". πŸ€”

GDevelop uses PixiJS, so that must have been what itch thought I was using without me specifying. I'll be sure to go in and fix that in the page settings. πŸ‘


I have a confession to make... I did  not play level 3 :-( 

Not sure if it changes the game completely if you have a timer for how long it takes a player to complete game and use that as a high score (or is it a lowscore if it is competing for fastest time?) for the leader board. 
Then the player is encouraged to optimize their play. Dying less times is a secondary parametre. 

I have not played this game genre before. I only know of Super meat boy and Will it snail. Is it all about timing? or are there things like upgrades too, and secret areas only unlocked by sacrificing yourself at the right time and place?

No worries about not finishing it, I made the game to be hard, so it's not going to be everyones cup of tea. πŸ˜…

The game just got updated, so now when you beat the three levels, it'll unlock a "speed run mode" with a leaderboard. πŸ‘€

The timer from the speed run will be sent to the leaderboard, and so will your total death count. But now death count is cumulative and adds up over every time you die. So it's just a funny metric people can joke about now. πŸ˜…

The first run through the game is just for giggles and can be considered "practice" now.